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A/N: Hey again!! Just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be doing this particular entry in stages, with each chapter, and that's how it'll go far any multi-chapter contest. For one that is ongoing, I'll just keep updating it in here when needed. Enjoy:))xx

Story Summary:

Rosalie Collins is your typical slut, getting a new boy toy every week. But rumors are starting to go around that she isn't actually as slutty as she seems, which quite frankly, might ruin her reputation.

Reasons for these rumors? She has never even come close to having sex with ANY of these guys.

Why? Because for some reason, the idea of sex repulses her. Kissing is fine, but once you start talking about anything past that, it's over.

She doesn't know why she is having these feelings, but it is not going to be easy figuring it out.

"She's such a slut!"

"Don't let her hear you say that!"

"Does that bitch call herself a slut?"

"Who does she think she is?"

"OMG, did she just look at me?"

My usual day consists of these comments, but I'm used to it. I guess you could say I'm a slut, in some ways, but in other ways, even I don't see it.

For some inexplicable reason, I retaliate when I hear the word sex. I always have, but didn't start noticing it until a few months ago, when the rumors started.

I had only just found my first boy toy, new to the world of badasses. I don't know why I started playing with boys. I guess I needed a release, something to get away from the drama at home.  I know it sounds like your typical divorce shit, but my parents have really been getting at it, even to the point where I've had to take my little sister and drive us to the beach, one of our only safe places since our parents started fighting.

I guess I thought if I had someone, not even anything serious, it would keep my mind off of family matters and relieve the stress.

And then one day at school I just decided to show up in my sluttiest outfit and go impress some boy. And then my plan of somebody turned into, some people.


I break away from the kiss and slide my hand's up and down Boy Toy #13's arms.

I don't even remember their names anymore.

He groans and I involuntarily bite my lip. "C'mon baby, let's bring this to the bedroom." I freeze as he says those words. My whole body tenses up and I swallow, trying to hide my disgust.

"I-I think I should go now."

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