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Beep beep beep beep BEEEEEPPPPPP

My alarm clock grows continually louder as I've put it to snooze too many times.

I stretch my limbs out a little bit and groan, getting out reluctantly.

I walk down my hallway, down the stairs, through the dining room and into the kitchen.

I grab a bagel and start roasting it, because I can't function without food in the morning.

As I get the butter out of the fridge and set it on the counter, I eye the time: 6:32

My brain screams, so I repeat the routine if walking through the kitchen, dining room, steps and room.

I get dressed for the day and trudge back through the routine, getting my bagel and brushing my teeth along the way.

I kiss my parents bye and step out in the world:towards the bus stop.

As I'm walking down the street my mom hollers "Don't take anyone's crap Lakshmi!"

I smile.

They may be Indian, but they still kick some serious butt.



I drag my feet through the doors of school, and climb up the 3 flights of stairs to my locker.

"Hey Sabeen!" I hear my friend Cameron call out.

I come to rest at my locker and give her a high-five, still fighting the sleep off.

"Sup girl" I say with a half smile on my face.

She pokes me and says "Someone's not awake! But, nothing much, just another amazing Monday!"

How can she feel so peppy on a Monday? I need to learn some things from her.

"Alright, alright, I have to get to art early now so I can see Lakshmi." I say to Cameron, spinning the combination on my lock and gathering some books.

She raises her eyebrows suggestively and says "Ok, see you at lunch!"

I give her a weird look as she walks away, and then go on my merry way to first period art class.



I wait patiently in my seat in Mr. Smackle's art room, hoping to see Sabeen before the start of first period.

Just as I begin to sigh and think about her, she struts right in the door, tiredness in her eyes and a wave to her short red hair.

I jump up and engulf her in a hug.

"SABYY!!" I call her by her ridiculous nickname and circle my arms around her neck.

Her laugh tickles my neck and I sigh into the hug as she says "I missed you so much Lak!"

Sabeen's arms wrap tighter around my waist and I breath in her scent, excited to be back in her presence.



Art class goes by fast when I'm with Lakshmi, and we go on through 2nd and 3rd period apart, going to our respective classrooms.

When I finally get to our table, at our ridiculous lunch hour of 10:30 am, I sit and wait for Lakshmi, getting my food out.

Lunch goes by again, as I tell her about my ridiculously boring ski trip, and she tells me how much she missed me.

As people start to pack up, I say, "I'll see you after school, at the library" (our usual meeting place since we don't get to see each other the rest of the day)

"Ok, I love you so much!"

"Love you too!"

We exchange warm smiles and walk off, ready to conquer the day.


Hey few readers of mine!!

This chapter was almost 600 words and I'm getting really excited to write:) I hope you enjoyed this, and I'll hope to get multiple chapters out tomorrow, today if possible.(only a small chance)

So, continue to make me feel good about my writing and I'll see you all soon!



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