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I wring my hands in my lap and look up at Clarissa.

"I have something to tell you Liss." I say timidly. And boy have I ever felt so timid.

Being like this isn't something I want to be. I've put up a facade over the years, making people think I am this hardcore, no-nonsense, tough loving badgirl that never cries and beats everybody up.

And part of that is true. Because I love rock music, I won't tolerate anybody messing with me, and I'm hella strong.

But there's more to me then just that one side.

I am also compassionate, caring, kind, and would do anything for the people that I love. And I have tried to keep that side of me in a box, shoved far into the depths of my mind.

And in that box has been the fact that I am asexual. I have shut that out, thinking that it isn't something to be proud of, and it isn't something that I should embrace.

But it is.

And I am not going to shut this out anymore.

I can be a compassionate and loving badass, and that is just what I am going to be.

So I don't wait for Clarissa to answer me.

I go ahead and tell her.

"I am asexual."

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