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I've been thinking about something since I got home from the mall today. And I'm a little confused and a little scared.

People can be very judge mental at my school, for being open about who they are and expressing their opinions on real world things.

So that's why what I'm thinking about scares me.

Because it's feminism.

And if I were to express my thoughts on that anywhere near school or people I know from there, I might be teased or have rumors spread about me.

And I don't want that, even though I've heard Sabeen talking about it happening to her, and how she just ignores but it's still hard for her because these are people saying things behind her back and sometimes she just can't deal.

And I hope I help her through it and I hope she's a feminist too.

Or is at least contemplating about whether or not she is one.



Totally a feminist.

I mean, excuse my French, but holy shit! I'm a woman (technically I am, if you're curious, I've had my period for 3 years now) and I'm not gonna tolerate men treating me differently just because of that.

We all deserve equality, and I'm sorry, but this might turn into a rant because everyone deserves to know this and to change their views on it.

We all deserve equality, no matter what race, religion, gender or sexuality we are. More people need to see this and more people need to understand this.

And the one person that I really hope knows this is one whom I hold deeply in my heart:

My best friend Lakshmi.


So, second day in a row!! Pretty good if I do say so myself.

I hope you liked this chapter and I also hope you didn't get offended. A lot of people's viewpoints on feminism are different, which is totally fine, I respect everybody's opinions.

But this is my viewpoint on feminism. And I hope you guys see that and if you aren't already a feminist than you should become one. Everybody deserves to be equal no matter what race, religion, gender or sexuality you are.

People deserve to be equal.

And I do think that's a big part of feminism. So please, see this viewpoint and try to act on it(or use your own)the next time you see a situation in which you can say something. I know this chapter doesn't explore feminism that deeply, but it is going to throughout the book, and I think it's gonna be a cool romance/feminism type thing.

Thank you so much to people who continue to support me or who do in the future.


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