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I am so looking forward to today!!!!!!

I'm sorry, that was weird.

You're probably leaving now.


I'm so excited!!!!!!

I know it's just the mall.

But it's Sabeen!!!!!!*makes heart eyes*

We have plans to go to the mall today, and I am ecstatic.

We're planning on visiting our favorite shops, and getting some fro-yo and Subway along the way.

Also, it's our first time no-mother and I am nervous but mostly really excited.

I am just finishing my breakfast, thinking about our amazing Saturday plans:no parents, no school, and my best friend.

I put my cereal bowl in the sink and head up to my room to get dressed.

I go through my dresser, see nothing of importance and move on to my almost-bare closet.

Since it's gonna be a decently warm day today, I go for a dress, about knee-length, and a maroon hoodie in case of coldness.

I put it on, put my brown booties out and go into the bathroom to experiment with makeup.

I try to make it kinda quick, because Sabeen is picking me up in about 15 minutes.

I do my Clinique face wash system that my mom bought me when my skin got really bad(it still is)

I attempt to make my blush not appear clown-like, and put a little bit of ElizabethArden pink lipstick on.

I finish off with a little drugstore mascara, trying not to make my lashes look ginormous.

I come out of the bathroom, put some ankle socks and booties on, and head down the stairs, ready to conquer the world with my best friend, who is waiting for me at my front door with a big smile on her face

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I come out of the bathroom, put some ankle socks and booties on, and head down the stairs, ready to conquer the world with my best friend, who is waiting for me at my front door with a big smile on her face.



I feel pumped in my Doc Marten's standing at Lakshmi's door, and I quickly smile at her mom as she gives Lakshmi a hug goodbye.

I feel pumped in my Doc Marten's standing at Lakshmi's door, and I quickly smile at her mom as she gives Lakshmi a hug goodbye

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"See you in the food court at 2:30 Mama!" she says

"Be good girls, and don't take anyone's crap!"

We laugh and smile as we head out the door, ready to do one thing: shop.


Hey guys!

This was a very feminine chapter, but don't worry, there is gonna be some good stuff coming your way!!

Thank you even if no one reads this, and vote and comment if you can!:)


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