Chapter 16

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Ginny and I were in the dorm packing up all of our things.

"Ok, so I have to show you something," she giggled.

"What is it?" I asked, carefully packing away my books.

"Well, when Ron came back from Hogwarts after first year I looked through his trunk. Fred and George had never let me look at their Hogwarts things, so I went through Ron's. Anyway, I found this note." She handed me a small, crumpled, piece of paper from a sweater pocket.

I opened it up and read:

Liz is such a no it all (I winced at the bad grammar). Why does she have to follow us around everywhere? She keeps corecting (AAAAAHHH the grammar) us. She's kind of pretty though, and she smells nice. Liz taught me how to do the Leviosa spell, but she was bossy.

"I was going to give it to you earlier, but I didn't want anything to be awkward between you guys." Ginny said, shrugging.

"This is hilarious," I laughed.

Ginny sat down on the bed next to me, laughing too.

"I thought so, I was so confused when I saw the note. I thought I was the only one having feelings like that, for Harry of course." Ginny's eyes suddenly went wide when she realized what she'd said.

"It's ok, I know."

"I like Dean now."

"Are you sure?"


Ginny stood up and threw some more robes into her trunk.

"Thanks for giving me this, it's really cute. The grammar is just great." I said, laughing again.

"I know. My brothers are such idiots." She smiled.


A few hours later we boarded the train.

"Let me carry your trunk for you," Ron said once he had loaded his onto the train.

"That's ok, I've got it," I assured him.

He picked up my trunk anyway.

"Woah, what do you have in here? A ton of rocks?" He huffed and puffed from the effort.

I laughed, "A bunch of books, so pretty much."

"Wingardium Leviosa." I sent the trunk into the carriage.

"I had that," Ron panted, red in the face.

Harry, Ron, Luna, Neville, Ginny, and I all sat down in a compartment.

"Oh darn. I left something in my trunk. Ron and Harry, will you guys come with me?" I asked them.

I winked at Ginny and the three of us stepped out of the compartment.

"As you guys probably know this isn't about something I left in my trunk. From my secret source I am now in possession of a hilarious and embarrassing note." I couldn't help but start to laugh.

I pulled the crumpled paper out of my pocket and read it aloud. With each sentence Ron's face grew redder and redder. Harry was dying of laughter.

"Where'd you get that?" Ron demanded.

I just shrugged, "I thought it was cute."

"Why'd you read it to Harry?" he whined.

"Thought he could use a good laugh."

Harry was still chuckling as he said, "Smooth Ron, well done mate."

Ron elbowed him and turned even redder, if that was possible.

In Love With A Redhead --- Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now