Omg such a big bone

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Zaxi's P.O.V

12 Thursday October 2015

"Oh my god, that's the largest bone I have ever seen in a million years. Though I have not lived a million years. Give to me, I want it. My mouth is watering badly and I can see it moving towards me slowly and the song is being played in the back of my brain.

Song- worth it by Fifth Harmony.

Except the song is not worth it but want it. Oh it looks so delicious.

Come to me baby, come to papa.

Life in heaven can be experienced right now.

My lovely tongue touches it and then..."

I wake up.

Not only do I wake up from my beautiful dream but also I wake to see this not so beautiful and interesting face, not that I don't love this beautiful loving mother of mine but you see I can't eat her, I can only eat the lovely bone which was extraordinarily big.

" Zaxi, Zaxi baby come and eat your dinner" said mum, her facially expression told me she was very tired though that she tried her best to smile, and so without giving her any more trouble I walked up to her and hugged her.

"Love you mom" I said.

"I know you love me but now come and eat your dinner" she said.

I obeyed her orders as a solider obeys his senior commander order. I love watching American War movies and more than that I love imitating them.

I marched like an American army dog towards my bowl and ate it in one go. It was easy to eat but not to swallow.

"Wow Zaxi, ate it in one go, well done." Mom said.

"Yes mom........"

Uhh no not again I puked. But quickly tried eating it again. But mom gently picked me up and made me stand beside her. I watched how she cleaned it and then she said "sweetie eat slowly next time" she said with a laugh. Oh man I loved this women. How could I ever cause trouble to her!

My mother is called by the name....uh I forgot. She brought me home when I was about a week old, so I don't remember much. My mom is in her late 20s and works as a teacher in the district school. She is currently engaged and would marry sometime towards the time when everything gets too cold, yeah they call it winter, strange name isn't it.

After dinner I and mom both watch t.v together. We watch many different types of people coming and going but my favourite is Ma-st-er-C-he-f. MasterChef Australia. The different types of yummy food they make is just incredible.

And after dinner we sleep together, though she does not like me sleeping on top of her I sleep by her side. She is quite fragile though, so I get up once a while to see whether she is okay.

My mom's name is Gaurie. Yes, I remember now. Ever that day...uh that day you know when people don't have to work, umm yeah Saturday. On most of the Saturdays I get to go for a long walk with mum and soon to be dad, I first did not even get the logic between the two people living together but when I saw the happiness both share when they are together somewhat made me understand that maybe that's why the live together and call it a marriage.

Every that day, yeah the day humans don't work the no work day, yeah sat-ur-day, I get to see pretty bitches and different types of people, it all amuses me. And yeah there is one main thing I love to do I love the nature, that's what humans call it, the time when water comes down from above and the time when above is filled with shining things, I often wonder like every other human whether other dogs like me also live there, some super cool dogs. Like dogs with long legs and short hands and tall and thin body. Ahh I would love to be one of them.

I have dreams like the one you just read they are mostly food based or on some hot bitch based, sometimes mom comes but dreams about her are very different, but till now none were you know sad, that's the word I think.

I am not very familiar with humane words because mostly I get to know the meaning by the tune and the actions done with it. But now a am sl-ee-p-y, night folks.


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