And that's how i ended up here

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Zaxi's P.O.V

And so she said, we are going for shopping. "From when exactly did it become from me to we, Miss." She asked herself.

After her little conversation with herself, we both walked towards the supermarket. Since dogs were not allowed, I sat outside. And she went in. I saw as she collected many things, like essentials. Bread, jam, butter, eggs, milk and other stuff. She was busy and lost in her own world. Everything seemed normal but suddenly I felt a strange vibe.

Six men, dressed in black, fully armed show up. I watched them as they entered the Supermarket and shot out the recorder. A recorder is a kind of a thing which records everything.

They shouted, "Everybody get down, if anyone tries to contact the police, they would be killed." Everyone laid down, except her, she slowly started crawling towards a section which had some equipment.

She grabbed one of them, meanwhile the six people collected all the paper like thing, called money and other costly things. I knew exactly what was going to happen.

I ran towards the market.

She took the hammer and hit one of the men in black, everyone's attention was towards her and two men were commanded to catch her and she had begun running. I entered the market and attacked one of the men but as I was busy attacking him, she was caught and four guns were pointed in her direction. She did not see them and she bit one of the men who had caught her and ran, and the guns fired.

Her hair looked like they were flying, her happy face was long gone. She looked straight in my eyes as she was shot three times. I left the man, and ran towards her.

But as I did I was also shot. But I kept running towards her. Another bullet hit my leg. But it did not stop me from going towards her. I was close to her but this time the bullet hit my chest and I could not breathe and neither move.

I dragged my body towards her as she was very near me. I finally looked at her, her eyes were wide open staring at me. But there was no life. I was late, I lost her.

Am such a morron and useless dog. Am so ashamed of myself. I shouted and cried. I kept yelling and shouting and screaming. But no, I was late and she left me, like my mother did.

It's all my fault. A voice kept screaming inside my brain. And then hands touched my head. I could hear my name again.


"Zaxi, get up." Said a very familiar voice. It belonged to her, Amira.

I woke up, the room was bright and she looked worried. I realised I had tears and my whole body had been shacking badly due to the fear and pain I was going through. I was sitting in front of her in the kitchen. These types of nightmare were common to me these days, everyday mom come, and I had to lose her every day, because I was unworthy and late and useless and everything bad in the world.

Every second I spent regretting why I did not save mom that day, I miss her so much, I have lost everything because she was my everything. But now even I fear to lose this soul, Amira. She is mostly sad and angry, maybe she had also lost someone, and this thought often comes in my head.

Today I was day dreaming, or should I say day nightmares. I had no idea how I got this more or less visions types, there were not like dreams, it felt real.

Real and different.

Was I turning mad like those people in the T.V?

I was interrupted from my thoughts as Amira who was staring at me like she saw something bad like a ghost, walked away. I did not blame her for anything, the way I behaved scarred me too.

I stood still and stared at her. All my memories of her came to my eyes. That day after the explosion, I saw mom and then I fell unconscious as I found her almost dead. When I woke up, mom was not there and all that mattered to me was my mom. I had then went wild searching for her, but nothing. I could not find her anywhere. Nowhere near or inside the building or anywhere where I think she would be. Days passed, I spent my nights in the streets and days finding her. 

Hunger did not bother me. But I could just not give up. Not finding her made my heart heavy and I could not breathe neither think. I just walked away. I walked in the streets gave no notice to the nearby. People come and go, but she is gone now, said the voice inside me. I went inside the house which was where I have my first memories of her. I stayed there thinking about her, thinking about another way to find her. As I knew searching for her in the streets would not lead me to her.

And that's when, Amira came in. She had a determine look in her face, and my instinct told me to go with her and that I would find my mom using her help. And that's how I ended up here staring at her face, Beautiful eyes, long hair and sharp nose.

Seeing her struggle everyday gives me hope, seeing her makes me believe I would see my mom again. I know she is alive and that this woman would lead me to her. I knew it and I greatly believed in it.

She got up suddenly, and left in a hurry......where was she heading? 

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