Why did you love me so much?

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Amira's P.O.V

Everything came flashing to me. My parents, how I learnt walking, my first bicycle, my brother, stars, rain, Hanna, and then the attack, the suicide bomber and then when the gun went off and the bomb exploded.

Yes the bomb exploded. We were supposed to be dead. So this is what it feels like to be dead, pretty cool. So is this heaven or hell. It's not dead hot, so maybe am in heaven. Lucky me.


Maybe after all am not in heaven. I tried opening my eyes, barley I could see a glimpse of what was happening. There was a dog.

A dog, strange thing. We never had dogs in school, and it did not belong to the attackers also. The dog had a sad face, which is very unusual to see, he was near the exit of the room and did not seem much injured but he lay unconscious.

I tried moving but I could not move as many people were on top of me. But the strange thing was where the voice came from. I took a deep breath and looked around everything seemed dead, the beautiful bright yellow colour the room once held was no more as it had traces of the bomb blast, the suicide bomber was no more and the students around him were dead, others were very badly injured. Ma'am Gaurie. She suddenly appeared in my brain, she is the reason I am living or maybe I am dead, every memory of her came flashing to me. Oh she made student like us like the killer subject math. Where was she?

As I kept looking around, I found her couple of miles away from where I was straggled, she was breathing heavily and her eyes were wide open. She was shot, and her leg was badly bleeding. I remember the terrorist had fired the gun, but since the bomb exploded right after that I didn't exactly know who was shot, it was ma'am.

She dragged her body towards the door, maybe she wanted to call for help. My eyes started to shut but I tried my best to remain awake. I wanted to call her but I my mouth remained shut as I saw that she was heading towards the dog.

Maybe she knew who that dog was. And on her arrival she laid the dog in her lap and called out the dog's name as loudly as she could. "Zaxi, Zaxi get up." She said.

The dog did breathe but hearing ma'am's voice, his body did make some movement.

"Zaxi" she said with all the energy she had. And fell next to the dog.

The dog was breathing but was still unconscious.

Her fragile voice then said, "Zaxi, I knew you would never be able to save me and I had to die, it was my fate. I still remember when I first bought you home, you were like a little baby, and I was too scared that you might die soon as you were very fragile, but then you grew up, strong and brave. Every time I was sick you would guard the house and take care of me in every means possible, and you never made me angry. Though you knew I might not be able to spend much time with you if I got married, you agreed to it only because I was happy with the man, I wished to marry. Zaxi, Zaxi get up. I won't let you die. Why did you come here, I know you were worried about me, but think about yourself Zaxi. What did you love me so much?"

And then everything was quiet and tears scrolled down her checks and she said, "You never liked it when I was sad and I cried, get up and cheer me up."

For the first time in my life I saw tears scrolling down from a dog's eye, it woke up and gently laid next to ma'am. Ma'am looked at Zaxi and said, "I love you very much." And then she became unconscious. She was no longer breathing and the last tear scrolled down from her eyes.

The dog barked and barked. And he tried many things he went up to her and licked her and ran around her and pushed her hand. He did everything, he possibly could. But ma'am was long gone.

My eyes were filled with tears and I could no longer see anything clear, anymore.

The dog was lying next to ma'am and made no noise, and then everything became blur and then black again.

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