Missing me, are you drunk?

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"Guess who?" said the person who was behind me.

"The only one who does this was Martin." I said in an annoyed tone.

Martin, was my neighbour. He is thin and tall, wears glasses but he is not the typical nerd but he is always the fun type, he was not at all my type. He used to come to my house mostly to meet Jacob, we never really talked. He used to study in an international school and thus he did not know much about the blast, except whatever they said in the news. He knew Jacob was gone, he had come to my house before to console me, but I yelled at everyone who came closer to me, he was one of them. I need to council I believe and that's why I don't interact with anyone as finally once they know my history they would end up giving council.

"What made you come here?"

"I was missing you sweetie." He said

"Missing me, are you drunk?"

"You are so intelligent, how did you guess?"

Yes, he was drunk. It was pretty obvious of that fact. Zaxi moved towards the living room and sat on top of the sofa. He was really tired, but he did not look so old to be so tired. As I moved inside I found the kitchen window wide open and some bottles of vodka lying in the dining table.

"Felt too scared to go home drunk, dear?"

"Not scared but thought your house would be a better option. So would you like to have some vodka with me?"

"Sure." I said.

And then we both sat down in front the television and started drinking vodka. We both did not watch the television but we kept on talking random things. Martin started to talk about his first crush he had in kindergarten.

An hour passed two bottles of vodka was over. Martin was on the sofa asleep but I could not sleep. I had no slept since the day of the blast. Each night I spent thinking about how I could find these people. Going through the newspaper, researching about them. Getting to know about ma'am Gaurie and also trying to find out where Hanna was. But each day I failed miserably, I found nothing. But one thing was clear the people who attacked had a clear motive behind it and the police still have no clue who they were.

I got up and moved towards the kitchen, got a bowl poured some milk and in another bowl kept some bread and went to Zaxi. Zaxi was awake but he was still in the sofa.

I kept the bowl down and looked at the dog. The dog pained me no attention.

"This is for you, come and eat it. You have not eaten anything." I said a loud and harsh tone.

The dog then looked at me then at the food. After a few seconds of starting at both me and the food, he came down and eat the bread and drank the milk.

After he was done, he looked at me straight in the eye. I was no dog expert, but still I felt maybe he wanted place to sleep, I showed him my bed room and lifted him and kept him on my bed. And then I left him alone to sleep and went back to martin.

Martin was fast asleep, and there was no way I could lift him, not even move him even though he was thin. Since Zaxi was in my bed, I moved to my brother's room.

His room was blue, it had two different shades of blue. All the furniture was matching and the room was clean. After almost a week I came here. Everything reminded me of him, his study table where he used to sit and do all my homework and his bed where I used to sleep with him when I used to have nightmares about my parents.

As I lay in his bed I could see the picture of million stars in his celling. And I kept staring at them. The bed still had his smell. He used to have this smell of fresh water. I used to love being with him, he was my only family.



These words made bullet holes inside my heart. I was bleeding internally, but I did not show it to anyone.

There was a picture of him and me, when I first won a gold medal in basketball. He was happier than I was. I looked at the picture wondering if I could every live that again. Tears filled my eyes.

I could not see anything clearly, and as I moved my head towards the door I found a dog standing there. Strange I did not have a dog, am I dreaming I said to myself.

Suddenly the dog came to me and hugged me. It felt like he understood my problems. I hugged him tight and wiped of my tears.

"I won't leave you, you would have to answer for my brother's death."

I shouted loudly, then feel in the bed and then everything became blur.

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