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So here's the beginning of the story .The first chapter is basically like a warmup before a football game so nothing productive starts in this first chap .But i recommend you guys to read it as it is a start of the story and it'll let you know about my writing style and somethings about our protagonist

Ahh..., Monday again!!! .hey guys this is NEIL and here's my life. School ,home,computer ,mobile and sleep,all these are the ONLY things I am concerned about. Well at least till now .I'm saying till now because my instincts tell me, things are gonna change a lot this semester.

So back to the present ,I'm up early in the morning, around one hour early than my usual ' get up' time .There is a huge reason behind this ' early getting up '. Actually I missed my 3:00 AM peeing break which works as an natural alarm if it is postponed. Trust me it's not the first time that my ' natural alarm ' is postponed,and I'm not that kinda guy who will use this extra time in some productive things like NERDS do like, going out for a morning walk,studying ,etc. I personally hate morning walks because it'll make me thinner than I currently am.

Basically my body is thin with caramel skin and jet black hair ,I don't know what the hell the word "jet"has to do with "black" but sounds good .With light brown eyes and bit of facial hair. I even have a ...umm.....what it's called, a mark of old injury, right above my left eyebrow,which I got when I was 5. I was driving my tricycle and when I turned back to see how far my friend Anuj was ,I bumped into rear part of a mini truck , my parents told me that I must've not seen the truck but I know it wasn't there before.
   A few days earlier my family went for a movie which all about alien invasion. So the theories of 5 years old me claimed that some UFO must have dropped the truck in front of me, so the aliens could get my RARE blood sample ! But trust me this ' remain of old injury ' may be called as a 'SCAR' looks cool !! just like harry potter had its special 'scar'

So back to the story ,as I said before I'm not a nerd so I'll just waste my  morning sitting on a toilet seat with my cell phone. I usually take 5 mins maximum for excretion but when it comes to wasting time this process may last for about 20-25 mins .Now you will think that why this guy isn't doing time pass after getting ready, it's because my body is scheduled to be ready in last 15 mins ONLY. If I start early this ' getting ready ' thing then its starts boring me and I end up not getting ready neatly as I don't have that ' be ready fast ' pressure on me so I do everything in partially  asleep mode.

At last, 5 mins for my last 15 mins of being ready .I got up from the toilet seat and now I feel like some electricity rushing through my body. I quickly  brushed, bathed ,had my breakfast (Of course 1st I got some clothes on.. ) and now I'm fresh and ready for school.

I dedicated this chapter to anonymously_anon for designing such a sweet and awesome cover for this book. Thank you anonymously_anon

JUST BEFORE I GREW UP #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now