6.Example Of BadLuck

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    I heard mom coming towards my room,the footsteps were coming closer,more closer, "oh my god,shit what can I do ,think fast Neil come on use that little part under your cranium called brain" ,useless thoughts were coming in my mind as if my brain was taunting me. Mom knocked the door, after few seconds I opened it . She was shocked seeing all the mess. " Aa....I... was excercising mom . I tried to break the wooden plank b...but I broke the table..." I told her the truth. "It's okay dear,I'm glad that you are atleast serious about exercising ,in fact I'm proud of you,you were able to break the plank" ."Wow I have such a chill mom,how lucky I am" I was smiling at mom but suddenly Mom changed,her tone changed,till this moment she was Taylor Swift but suddenly she changed into Nicki Minaj and began rapping about the loss I've done ,all loss I caused by breaking that table .How can one suddenly change personalities and that also completely opposite to each other, is this a superpower?. I was silently listening to her for almost 5 mins. The speech would've lasted for more 10 mins but luckly the doorbell saved me, it was some woman from neighbourhood .Mom was busy talking to that woman ,I used that golden chance and slipped from the house and went to Anuj .

He himself greeted me , we both went into his room. I sat on the bed and he sat on chair near to his computer and resumed whatever he was watching. After sometime I figured out that he was watching 'The Avengers'. I love Captain America,the immortal fighter. Hey what if I am immortal like him .I'd be the luckiest person .No I ain't gonna be lucky, I don't wanna see 90 year old Nidhi with wrinkled skin ,white hairs with arificial teeth and I young as I am now ,it'll make her feel bad and what if she asked me for a kiss at that age,Yuck!. Sometime later when the movie ended we both had a bit chit-chat, I told him about how I defeated the cloning guy and about my new suit. He told me I should ask Nidhi for a date, I ignored that part and again returned to the superhero talk and went home after that chit-chat as it was pretty  late . At home ,mom was chilled ,she asked me for dinner and I nodded. After dinner I went to my room ,the mess was cleaned,maybe mom had done it. While sleeping I was thinking about what Anuj said about asking Nidhi for date.

Next day, after I came home from school mom told me I recieved a parcel from someone. I knew it was the costume, I ran in my room and saw a khaki box wrapped with plastic waiting for me one the bed. I opened the box and saw a beautiful spandex suit with a mask just as I wanted. I texted Nidhi about the arrival of suit, she was too excited to see it. She asked me ,can she come at my home for studying so she can see my suit and also help me in studies ,I know you all have predicted my reply to her but anyways I'll tell you that I agreed to her and she's coming at my place in 1 hour.I grabbed some packets of chips and coke as it'll help me to get out of my boredom while studying and waited for her.

She's here, I can hear her talking to my mom ,I went down and addressed her towards my room. I can see the excitment on her face which was almost similar to mine when I was unpacking the suit. I showed her the suit and she happily replied," just as I expected". I smiled at her andthen we kept the suit aside and started studying,I've to agree that,she was a good teacher by the way. She taught me algebric expressions and that's all for today I was tired ,moreover my coke and chips were also finished.So she was packing her things just when I remembered about asking her for a date .She was about to leave but I stopped her ," Nidhi wait". I was confused what to say, I started thinking but she interrepted me,"You were saying something Neil"."ohh yes ,yes",I replied. I remembered Nike's slogan saying 'Risk Everything' which gave me some gutts and spilled out,"Nidhi, would you like to come for a dinner tommorow?" .I closed my eye and waited for her to reply,expecting a positive reply. "I'd love to", I heard her positive reply and felt like dancing .Yay! I exclaimed in mind and said her"okay then,see you tommorow at Hotel Mariot in evening" ,she softly replied a 'yes' and went downstairs. I was damn happy I started dancing as soon as she left. The rest of the day was pretty long as I was waiting for the time to pass .I slept early that night.

~~ Next Day Evening ~~

I reached the hotel a bit early than I told her to come. It didn't took much time for me to dress up, I wore a blue jeans with a simple white T-shirt and a black jacket. I can't take a risk of keeping my suit in my wardrobe so I brought it here with me in my bag along with a wallet with whatever money I can find in my wardrobe.She came at the hotel just in time ,beautiful as always.I welcomed her and helped her to take a seat.There was a weird silence between both of us for sometime as it was my first date and maybe her also. I broke the silence by asking what she wanted to eat, after glancing through the menu she ordered a simple Indian food and I too ordered same. After sometime I got used to the atmosphere and started talking but tried hard not to be imbecile. Everthing was going great ,we were talking ,laughing but then I remembered that my life cannot be so nice with me and let me enjoy this beautiful moment peacefully.

I heard a loud thud in the same hotel where we both were dinnnig happily,I turned around to look whats going on and saw a middle aged man standing on table with one hand burning .Hey wait,am I dreaming, no I ain't ,this guy's one hand is burning with fire and other hand seems to be frozen .I realised that he's another dumb supervillian trying to rob something.But why the hell in this hotel,there are thousands of hotels in our city ,why is he here ,to ruin my date.If yes he has got five stars for his mission because now nidhi's out of her romantic mood and pleading me fight him. There was no other option rather than fighting with him because if I said 'no' to Nidhi it'll prove that i'm insolent and coward.

Luckily I brought my suit with me,I went in the washroom changed my clothes and had a glance of myself in the washroom mirror before entering the battle arena, I was looking cool in this suit.Ohh I forgot the mask ,I again went in the washroom searched for the mask in my bag,wore it and came out.

I waited for that guy ,he noticed me pretty quickly as the crowd cleared off between me and him . He talked some shit about himself and made the first move, he threw a firebolt towards me.I dodged it and also dodged a few more of his firebolts .Is he having unlimited ammo?,come on that's not fair,there must be a limit. He continued throwing those bolts towards me ,I managed to get closer to him and punched him hard on his thigh, he was off the table now but one of his firebolts hit me right onto my left shoulder,my sweet spandex suit was burining and even my skin was burning ,shit!.It was hurting a lot but I managed to ignore it and tried punching him on his face but he was quick he pushed me off him and punched me with his other hand,damn it was cold,his left hand was cold as ice.What the hell is he ,fire in right and ice in left, this guy is hell. He pinned me down and gave me a few punches with his burning hand on my face,I was exhausted . I can't beat him right now I need to escape ,I used all my energy and punched him in his stomach as he was on me trying to pin me down. My punched proved powerfull enough to throw him a few meters away, I distracted him by throwing a table towards him and gestured nidhi to run and went into the kitchen of the hotel,after passing a few cooking tables I saw the backdoor and rushed towards it and from there I went into the washroom through the ventilation shaft ,changed my suit and went home like a normal man .I texted Nidhi a little apology message about ruining of our date and also about losing from that guy.She encouraged me a bit and told me that she's thinking of some method of beating that guy

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~~Harshal Gole~~

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