10. Antidote

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I'm home now, after enjoying a weekend with Nidhi and her stupid sister. Now enough of roaming ,enjoying and fun, now it's time to turn towards studies. Yes I ,who personally hate studies is saying this. Actually there are two reasons for me to say such dangerous words. First, exams are coming closer and I don't even have an idea of what chapters I need to study and second is my favourite , as promised by Nidhi, she's my tutor from now on wards. So I guess I should start acting like a nerd who has thousands of doubts.

Today I'll first help myself refresh by playing computer for almost two to three hours so I'll be charged for studying for half hour and rest half hour I'll keep surviving with coke and chips. At Nidhi's place, she was busy with some test tubes and a lot of unknown scientific apparatus which I've only seen in movies. It took no time for me to figure out that she's messing up with that meteorite sample. Lets hope she'll succeed in preparing an antidote. It'll really ease my work, just go near a villain, stick that injection in his ass and I'm done. I waited for her work to finish and then we started studying. I was actually interested in studies, honestly I usually ain't, except for some interesting biology lessons about human science. But my bad luck didn't even spare me while studying, Nidhi got a call from one of the news reporters that there's some supernatural human near the main street.

I was kicked out of the house along with her driver to go fight that man or at least stop him. In few minutes I was here, on main street. No doubt Nidhi's news was wrong, I can see people running here and there saying there's a necromancer in the city. I don't believe in all this so I checked myself what abilities this guy has, as soon as I saw him I burst out laughing. Yeah laughing, that guy had an ability to turn humans into hens. "What a stupid power is this?", I thought. But it was too a huge danger to the city as well as to me, people were turning in hens as soon as he threw some magical greenish bolt towards them. It was time to think seriously, I called Nidhi as everyone knows I'm in a 'developing' stage of using my brain. She was on her way,bringing the antidote which she 'thinks' will work.

I was ready wearing my suit but was afraid to go in front of this weirdo. Nidhi arrived with an injection with some yellow liquid in it. So I need to get closer which is the hardest job. Our diver suggested a million dollar plan, take a shield to block his bolts but what should i take as a shield. " Maybe a huge mirror", nidhi said in a childish tone. She was right a giant mirror will work fine. Luckily we were standing near a barber shop. I went inside, dressed like a hero, told the shopkeeper about the plan and took a mirror from one of his haircut counters.

So it's time to do or die, I took the antidote and slowly approached that guy, who was busy turning peoples into hens. Anyways earlier I thought his power is lame but now I think it's really cool, at least he has an unlimited stock of chicken and eggs and that also of human origin! . I was about 10 meters away from him when I was spotted. It was a bit earlier than I thought. I must improve my stealth skills and there's one and only one way for that, play Hitman games. He started shooting magical bolts towards me some of that bounce off the mirror and some he missed. I thought the bolt when hits the shooter himself, he'll also turn into a hen but I was wrong. He was completely immune to it. I was close enough to knock him down, sure thing I did that. I slightly lowered the shield and gave him a tight punch on chin, he was off. Now it was time to inject him, but how and where. I've never done this before. Maybe on thigh is fine, I motioned Nidhi to conform that is thigh a right place to inject and she motioned 'yes'. By this time that guy got up and again threw on of his bolts towards me which I luckily dodged. Thanks to my reflexes or I'd be a chicken right now. I caught both of his arms by risking myself leaving my shield on the ground. I had enough strength to keep his arms in opposite directions. Now I need to inject the antidote but how could I, if I let his arms free I'll be a hen in no time. Shit I regret leaving the shield.

Now I've only one option left, call Nidhi to stick that antidote in his ass. I screamed to the top of my voice and called Nidhi for help, she came running towards me. I explained her the situation in short and asked her to take the syringe from my pocket and do the job. She did the same and tried hard to inject him but he was moving too much . Nidhi tied his legs with some cloth laying on the ground so that he can be still. I ate a lot of kicks from him before that cloth was tied and that also in all sensitive parts. At last after a lot of struggle We succeeded in injecting him and yes the antidote worked. I can see that green shine disappearing from his eyes and hands. Maybe now we were safe,so we just left him there with hands and legs tied and made our way back to home.

We again sat for studies but we both were not in mood to study, so I just closed my book, hugged Nidhi and went home to chill myself. Later Anuj called me and said," guess what Neil, the news channel has caught Nidhi helping the superhero guy." Shit we're doomed!

JUST BEFORE I GREW UP #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now