4. Time to Work!

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No ..No.. Nidhi I can't do that ,I really can't be a superhero ,look at me do I look like I can handle all this and moreover, it'll distract me from whatever little I study. I've barely passed last semister. I tried to convience Nidhi but I really lost all my control over myself when she said "Ohh come on Niel you can do it" .Man she's so cute and looks cuter with that puppy dog eyes. Her eyes hypnotised me and forced me to agree. How do these girls do this . It's somekind of superpower that every girl has. "If you want I can help you with your studies", she added . Oh my God, does that mean I'll get a chance to get closer to her , its AWESOME. Maybe my superpower also brought me super luck,all these years I've been waiting for this one chance to get closer to her ."That'll be cool,thank you" ,I replied her with a big ear to ear smile on my face , I was felling to dance in happyness in my mind .

After that little conversation with Nidhi I went home and did my history assignment whose submission date was 2 days earlier . It almost took 3 hours . I rarely study for such a long time so this 3 hours felt like I went to hell and back to earth.


This morning I took a detailed look at my body and I've to admit it was looking cool. It was like a slim moron suddenly changed into a fit athlete .The clothes which used to be lose to me were now fitting perfectly and don't ask about the slim fit T-shirts. Today at breakfast mom asked me about the 'sudden' change in body and I told her that I and Anuj are doing the home gym courses since last 2 months and my body is the result of that hard work. My lie seemed conviencing to mom,pretty surprising yeah! . At school I saw Anuj and his girlfriend Antara talking in a corner during the lunch break ,they look good together but it makes me jealous sometimes. After school I asked Nidhi if I could come at her home for study and she gave a positive reply .

I got home ,had some snacks and headed towards Nidhi's home with a bunch of books .I was welcomed by her sister and then I saw Nidhi's mom on my way towards her room ." hello aunty" ,I said in a polite way and her mom gave me big welcome smile.

We were studying since 1 hour with a little chitchat about each others life .I even cracked some silly jokes which made her giggle, we were having fun , I mean I was having funny being with her but then we heard some screams from the neighbourhood. We both peeked from the window and I saw a guy trying to rob a sportsgoods shop ,wait I think there are two guys ,two twins ,they looked so similar. But I can't think what's the point in robbing a sports shop , can't these guys rob some jewellary shop or something more worthy than these sport goods.

Nidhi dragged me downstairs saying that we need to stop those guys . Hey wait isn't it the cop's duty arrest them ,why the hell Nidhi is so intrested to expose our powers. Till we reached the shop the robber maybe called some backup or something because there were four similar guys in the shop, two were pinning down the shopkeeper and other two were busy finding something.What the hell is going on here ,how can one have so much twins ,somethings fishy here. My chain of thoughts wa broken by Nidhi's voice saying ," can you defeat them with our superstrength?". I thought for a second or two and replied " I can try" ."Okay you try taking them down till the cops come" said Nidhi slightly pushing me forward.

" Okay Niel,its easy ,just go their ,do some miscellenious Karate moves and you are done" ,I tried to calm myself before entering the battlezone. I approached the guys who had pinned the shopkeeper , one of them stood up and tried to warn me but I ignored all the shit he said and punched him right in his stomach. Everyone was surprized to see that my punch threw that guys almost five metres away from the cash counter , even I was surprized but I behaved like I knew it was gonna happen and turned to the next guy. He dodged few punches but he was also on the ground screaming in pain just as his brother in no time. Wow I was feeling awesome, I looked at Nidhi and she gave me a encouraging smile

I then turned towards other two guys but what I saw was totally out of this world. The guy was making Copies of himself or in other words he was making several clones of himself. How can I fight them all, no I can't .There were almost 10 of them !. I stood still for a few seconds when I heard Nidhi's voice " Niel, you've to find the real one, find the real one ,fast" . In no time all these ten guys were on me trying to pin me down and they were succeding to some extent. I punched few of them but no use more and more clones were coming, how can I find the real one?, how can I?. Only one question was being repeated in my mind again and again. I heard Nidhi screaming" See their expressions Niel, their expressions" . I had a glance at all their faces they all had similar expression ,anger. Except for one , the one standing right in middle of this clone crowd , it seemed like he was in stress ,like he was forcing something out. "gotch" I murmerred in excitment and rushed towards him. Maybe he came to know that I found the real one , he sent more and more clones over me .It was impossible to pass through them, just then I found something, a Baseball Bat . Thats exactly what I need at this moment. I grabbed a bat from the rack of bats and started to swing it in all directions, it worked ,due to my superstrength I was able to push them all a few metres away, soon the pathway was clear between me and the real guy and the rest of them were lying on the floor in pain , a lot of pain. But the real guy didn't stop making clones . So I decided to throw the baseball bat towards him, Bingo!! . It worked ,the bat smashed right into his chest, he backed off trying to recover from pain he had . I took advantage of this situation and rushed towards him ,punching the remaining clones. As I went near him and gave him a few punches on his face untill his face started bleeding .

By this time the cops had arrived , actually they were arrived a long time before but were hesitating to interfeer us as they were shocked seeing such a 'out of the world thing' happen. I gestured them to come close and they obeyed me as I was their commander or something like that .The guy was arrested , I gave the cops a piece of advice about the powers that guy possessed ." don't worry kid , we'll keep him in a locker where there'll be no place for his clones." said one of the cop confidently . I gave a thumbs up to that cop and turned towards Nidhi who was smiling at me." don't worry ,I've earsed all the CCTV recordings so there's no proof of your fight" said Nidhi while offering me a bottle full of water.

Holy Shit I forgot, I must keep my identity a secret or everyone out there will hunt for me . " maybe you need a mask ,kid. I make costumes for plays and dramas ,you can come at my shop anytime you want" , said a old man giving me something that looked like a business card.

So this was a Serious chapter than other 3.It ended peacefully though as i can't think of any good Cliffhanger for this part. But anyways do read next part .


Hey guys i am facing a problem here, can anyone tell me what's the proper spelling of Niel. Is it Niel or Neil because both the spellings sound correct.plz comment the correct spelling

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