11. Busted

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" I knew it Nidhi,I knew ,you and this guy Neil. You are both up to something, roaming all over city, signing in for some news reporter. I already got a hint Nidhi, somethings weird happening around. Why the hell are you both risking your lives?", Nidhi's mom was yelling at Nidhi while I was standing quiet in a corner, unable to say a thing. "Mom, none of you normal people can beat these guys and moreover Neil can heal deepest wounds in minutes and I'm just his brain, we plan everything and try to beat that guys with less harm to ourselves", Nidhi back answered her mom, who was having a understanding look on her face. Hope she understands because there's one more family to explain all this because my dad too is a news addict, he for sure hasn't missed this news of Nidhi being spotted in a fight and calling my name.

After some more explanation about our abilities Nidhi's parents agreed to support us on a condition that we'll not lack in studies. Moreover her parents agreed to secretly convenience the school principle to adjust with our 'busy schedule'. I must say she has cool parents, now lets hope my parents also agree.

So the background has shifted from high furnished hall to our hardly furnished hall, some characters are also changed but the debate is same. Here I'm explaining my parents and Nidhi's standing in a corner. " I got a call from Nidhi's dad so we are already convenienced with your great decision, in fact I'm proud of you son!.",said Dad, which was a huge surprize for me. But mom seemed to be in other mood, her point was about my studies. I'm not as bright as Nidhi, so her reaction was obvious. Nidhi interrupted," Aunty, I can use my abilities and make Neil a bright student trust me". " It's fine dear but he'll always need to travel to and fro from your home to ours as you'll use all the free time left in your hands for studies",said mom and yeah she actually had a point, how much I'd need to travel. " Well Aunty, Neil can shift to my home till the exams are over, we have lot of extra rooms and my parents won't say anything.",said Nidhi. "Was she serious?, I shifting to her house, such a huge decision, but it's good for me from any point you know." I was lost in my thoughts.

After a few more chat on this shifting subject and few calls with Nidhi's parents, my parents agreed and I was busy packing my stuffs to move just two blocks away to live with my girlfriend and her parents. It made me laugh for few seconds and I was really happy.At her house, I got an option to choose between a luxurious guest room or a room beside Nidhi's, of course I chose the one beside Nidhi's and the reason was obvious.

It was fun living with Nidhi, at school I was becoming popular as Nidhi's boyfriend and that was not enough, my sport status also has a huge contribution to my fame. Almost every friend of mine was jealous about me for getting such a hot chick.But one thing that troubled me since few weeks, there was some problem with Anuj these days. He was not coming to school, bunking classes and sitting alone thinking about something which he never wished to share. I thought maybe he's upset because I got drifted from him due to Nidhi so I started being with him but still he ignored. God know what's up with this guy.

It was a lazy Saturday morning at Nidhi's place, I woke up got myself groomed, went to check on Nidhi. She was still in bed, lazy girl. Since I moved in with Nidhi, I discovered a lot more things about her. Weird things. Like, she has a bad habbit of glancing herself in the mirror within short intervals. Maybe its not only her but every female's bad habbit . Another thing is, her addiction towards branded stuff, not even a single piece of cloth in her wardrobe is local. Everything branded and expensive, her theory says - Whatever design is present on the shirt or jeans,its awesome if it had a label saying Levis or other branded companies. If you gave her a swim suit with a branded name on it, she'll for sure wear it in a party or something like that.

Nidhi woke up by my footsteps, maybe she was awake and planted a small kiss on my cheek as I sat besides her. Her kiss was enough for me to get out of my sleep hangover. I am planning not to bathe for few days, just one kiss and I'm fresh for rest of the day. Such great morning was ruined when I heard that Nidhi got a call from one of news reporter friend saying some guy with superpowers is challenging me for a fight. Wait this is ain't right, am I a sportsperson free to except challenges. But this guy was blackmailing me saying he'll kill thousands of peoples if I betrayed him.

So, as per the orders, I was delivered to a lonely construction site like a pizza ordered by a customer. I didn't had any idea what this guy's abilities are but soon I noticed him, I noticed him shapeshifting. A human being just transformed into a Tiger who was charging on me at full pace.

Wow shapeshift ! , I always dreamt of power like this, he showed no sign of slowing down or stopping and pounded our me just as a real tiger will do to catch his prey. My strength helped me defence but it was not enough, he started scratching my face with his razor sharp nails. Damn that hurts, I tried kicking him but I wasn't enough strong."What should I do?", only one question was repeating in my mind for thousands of time. I was critically injured, I need to hide for at least 5 minutes to get healed. After a long struggle I succeeded in getting our positions interchanged, now he was lying on the ground and I on his torso, holding his palms as hard as I can. I know it's a coward move to stick fingers in enemies eyes but it gave me time to think. He was moaning in pain as I stuck my fingers into his eyes and my nails were sharp enough to cause him pain. He soon changed into human, I raced towards a stack of bricks to hide for few minutes but he turned himself into a leopard and tracked me in no time. "There's no way I can outrun this guy, I'll have to think peacefully", my brain started involving in the fight.

I threw some bricks at him which slowed him down, I used the opportunity and ran towards the gate. I reached the gate before him, which was a surprize for me too. I was on the road now searching some place to hide but I failed. Till this time I was healed a lot, most of his light scratches were gone,except for deep ones. I decided to face him again, this time with my brain on my side. I dodged his first attempt and caught him from behind and tried punching him on his nose, I mean he leopards nose. It hurted him a lot, I don't know the reason why and he was back to human.

Not losing him this time I used all my strength I knocked him down, he was critically injured. I was able to see blood dripping from his swollen nose and some other parts of body. I was exhausted too, just before I went to gave a finishing move he turned into an eagle and escaped. I tried chasing him but it was worthless.

I went home, Nidhi asked me about the highlights of the fight but I refused to tell her as I was in the situation where I can barely ask for water. So I just went in my room and lied on my bed thinking about the first lost of my 'hero carrier'. Just then I got a text from unknown number saying," better luck next time bro". I was sure he's that shapeshifter guy so I texted him back, asking for a 'rematch' two days later and yes he agreed.

I'm glad that you are still reading my book,thank you for all your support and encouragement( silent reader also encourage me a lot ). Anyways ,good bye . I'm not that kinda guy who writes huge A/N after every chapter, see ya. And keep reading!!

JUST BEFORE I GREW UP #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now