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Kayla's POV

I was sitting on my bed while Aubrey was looking at me disappointed. I had went home after the situation but he
Came over. I didn't mean to get out of character but she made me.

"Really baby? That's how we act when company's over?" He said and crossed his arms. Showing off his muscles in his wife beater.

I could barley pay attention because he looks good when he's mad.

"You didn't see how she was bashing me? I was not about to let her get away. She test me at August's party, I let her slide. She was testing me while y'all was getting y'all food then she was testing me when we were in the living room." I explained and threw my hands up.

"But baby-"

I cut him off "but baby nothing, she was trying me and I wasn't about to have it. I tried my best to keep my cool"

He nodded and sat next to me "yeah, I seen the way you were dodging her slugs"

"If she keep on I'm killing her" I said

He looked at me crazy "no you not"

"Yes I am!"

He just shook his head and put in a Cd. He look at me and pulled me off the bed.

"Dance for me" He told me.

I looked at him and smiled "Whaat?"

"Dance for me" he repeated.

He flipped it all the way to his song Own It and I smirked at him. I couldn't even take him serious. He was so cute when he was trying to look all
Sexy. I couldn't even finish dancing without him pulling me on top of him. Of course he wants to do it again...

Aubrey has been gone for a while because he's been busy for weeks. He Barley has time to FaceTime me, text or call. It gets hard but I'm still here for him. I was just doing some cleaning around my house, Adrian, Devin and the babies were over earlier and I was happy to see them as always. I didn't even feel like cooking so I'll go out for food later. I was sweeping the kitchen floor and singing the songs on Aubrey's
Album. I love it and keep it on repeat, when my baby's not around. As I rapped, I heard someone rap along. I froze and got scared as hell.

"Who the fuck in my kitchen?" I yelled.

I wouldn't turn around for shit, I grabbed the knife next to me and they continued to rap. I was scared and I slowly turned around , August stood there laughing. I put the knife down and looked at him with a blank face.

"What are you doing here? How'd you get in?" I asked with an attitude. I didn't feel comfortable because I just had a tank top on and my underwear.

"I found the key" He said and stared at my body.

" you gotta go" I told him and I went upstairs to put on pants. I went back downstairs and he was just sitting on the couch. I turned off the stereo and snapped at him.

"Hey! Get out now" I raised my voice at him, he was still looking at my body and he bit his lip. I was so not interested and I wasn't Finna have it.

I pulled him by his arm and pushed him to the front door. I held my hand out and looked at him.

"Give me the key" I told him.

He smiled at me and pouted. "Let me keep it just incase"

"Just incase for what?"

"Just if any happens"

I shook my head and left my hand out waiting for him to give me my key. My mouth opened to speak but I heard my phone.

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