Prologue & Author's Note

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We were breathing the same air, his hands running wild, my heartbeat quickening, and the looming excitement of getting caught.

He made me feel comfortable in a way no one else had. I felt wanted, secure, and myself. However, regardless of how me I was around him, I felt my dependency on him grow. It kept growing and growing until I was no longer myself.

We were doomed from the start. Or maybe it was just me.

He had a short-life mentality, I was careful in everything. He was a fire, and I was an iceberg.

The way Devin made me feel is comparable to an intoxicating, addictive drug.

"Devin," I whispered as I pulled back from our kiss. I twirled his wavy black hair around my finger.

"What's wrong?"

"Can you just hold me?" I felt myself shrink to the size of an ant. Devin shifted and brought me into his lap.

"Are you having another moment?" Devin rested his head on top of mine and stroked behind my ear.

I sighed. I had frequent moments of doubt and insecurity, and I thought they had gone unnoticed. Devin knew me better than that. Glancing at my short, bitten nails, he intertwined his fingers with mine. A flicker of disappointment flashed across his face.

That's what happened for the duration of our four months together. We kissed, I doubted his feelings for me, and we sat there, staring at empty spaces, wondering, "When will it get better?"

I never thought it would.

Hi, I'm Zoe! This is my first Wattpad novel.

As of 9/18/16 this is a FIRST DRAFT and is UNDER REVISION. Comments on revisions/suggestions are always appreciated.

Life, I Guess is insanely realistic, and can be slow at times. No love triangles, no fairy godmother, no Hollywood interpretations. I encourage you to keep on reading when you feel like it's going nowhere! Not only because I am proud of my novel, but because I think the ending is so worth it.

I hope you can enjoy, relate, or both.

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