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"AIN'T IT FUN? LIVIN' IN THE REAL WOOOOORLD," we sing loudly on the drive to my dad's house. I let Veronica choose the music so of course we are listening to Paramore. The road is a glorified straight line, so it's easy to still sing and have fun while driving.

"So, who do you have in mind?" Veronica asks while turning down the volume.

"What do you mean?"

"Who are you singing this song to?"

I pause. I was just singing the song to pass the time, and I enjoyed the freedom and fun of it. I didn't realize I was singing it to Alexis though.

"Alexis," I say.

Veronica hesitates before asking, "Why?"

"Well, in the real world she can't control anybody, just like she tried to control me," I explain.

"I don't think she was trying to control you. I think she did a forceful job of telling you her opinion."

"Either way, here I am. I'm still alive without her opinion running my life." I turn the volume back up, hoping Veronica understands I'm trying to avoid thinking about Devin, Alexis, or anything that usually circles in my head.


"Hey there, pumpkin!" Dad calls out as we unload the trunk of my beat up Toyota. "Ronnie, how goes it?"

"Hi, Dad," I greet monotonously. "She doesn't go by that anymore."

"It's all good Mr. Grant," says Veronica.

"Now, Veronica, you can either sleep in the spare room or an air mattress in Sam's room." Dad grabs our bags and walks into the huge house. Dad owns one of the top wineries in Oregon, and it's obvious. He nods towards the hallway with my room and the guest room.

"Um, I think I'll room with Sam," Veronica says, and gives me another "GIRL TIME!" smile.

As Dad takes the bags to my room, Jason comes in from the back patio. "Hey guys." Jason walks up and hugs me, and awkwardly high-fives Veronica.

"How's the college touring?" I ask.

"Not good. I'm starting to think a gap year wasn't the best. Even though I've been working up here off and on, I just don't want to be back in a classroom. That, and Dad won't get off my back about how my grades should've been better."

Grades. College. Dad. Failure. Gotta be better than Jason.

"Well what about Weed U in California? That's only a few hours away," suggests Veronica from behind.

Jason would love to be a few hours away from you.

"I thought you wanted to stay local," I force out.

"I do, but some schools in Cali are closer," Jason responds. My friend and I cringe at his use of "Cali" and head back to my room.

"Man, I haven't been here since freshman year. Not a lot has changed though..." Veronica takes in my room. It's huge, with its own bathroom. The walls are a light lavender, black photo frames with pictures of family adorn the walls, a TV, and a queen sized bed is in the middle. The rest is absolutely empty. Of course, there's a walk-in closet in the bathroom to store everything.

"Well, I haven't been coming up as much since I got my license a few months ago. Too lazy to drive up, and while it's beautiful, I don't like it here."

Life, I GuessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora