Part 2

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"You stupid weakling!"

I could hear my usual bully, Caleb, shout at me as he sprinted towards me. I didn't turn to look, just ran the other direction.

"Get back here you coward!"

He shoved me to the ground. Within moments he was on top of me. My short legs did not help me escape. I closed my eyes and lay there unable to do anything. My face hurt as I was punched repeatedly. The weight was suddenly removed from on top of me. I opened my eyes to see my hero with his knee in Caleb's face.

"You should pick on someone your own size!" Tyler's voice was comforting even though he was yelling at someone else.

Caleb got up and ran like he did every time Tyler stopped him.

"Thanks," I said as my hero helped me up.

"No problem, if anyone messes with you they mess with me," he said sternly.

We started to walk home since it was the end of the school day.

Tyler left me at my house. He walked down the street a little to his house. Good thing we don't live far away, I thought.

I went to my room, did my homework, watched some TV, ate dinner and went to bed. My evening was pretty boring.

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