Part 4

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At lunch Tyler and I finished our food and went outside. I wasn't attacked since he was with me. My dream came back to me over and over. I just could not get it out of my head. We walked over to the wall and sat down in a quiet area with nobody in ear shot.

"Tyler, I h-have something to tell you."

"You can tell me anything, you know that."

"This has been on my mind a while..." I can't stop now, it's too late. I have to tell him. "I um, I really like you, n-not just as a f-friend o-or b-best fr-friend, but as... something... m-more."

His expression changed from a gentle smile into a surprised smirking face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I whimpered.

"You finally said it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you just confessed your love to me didn't you?"

I blushed as I looked into his eyes. "Y-yeah, I d-did, but what do you mean by finally?"

"I suspected that you liked me in that way for a while now. I just wanted confirmation."

"So your not mad? You don't mind? Wait, you knew?"

"Of course I'm not mad and yes I knew. I was just waiting because..."

"Because what?"

"Because I liked you that way too. For a long time now. That's why I had a sort of instinctual need to protect you."

I was shocked. I thought he would abandon me or join the bullies. Yet he returns my feelings.

My thoughts were interrupted when he spoke again. "Come over to my place later, I have a reward for you."

"A reward for what?"

"Confessing of course!"

My mind instantly went back to my dream.

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