Part 12

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After a few days of monitoring the hospital finally released me. Tyler and my mom had come to pick me up and we were in the car on the way home.

"How does it feel to have your freedom back?" Tyler asked.

"Great! I was so bored of all the check ups and the food is so bland!" I replied enthusiastically.

My mom giggled and smiled. "Do you boys want to go somewhere for food?"

"Yes! Somewhere with flavor," I respond.

"Agreed," Tyler adds.

After a little bit more driving we pull into the parking lot of a fancy looking restaurant. Walking inside a waiter shows us to our table and gives us menus. Taking a few minutes to look through my menu I see something interesting. Shortly after my mom and Tyler finished looking over the menu a waiter comes by to take our orders.

After the waiter leaves I cuddle up to Tyler. He tells me a few major things I missed and explains what was happening to his mom so far.

Our food is placed in front of us. I have a steaming Beef Wellington. My mom has a pulled pork sandwich and a fancy salad. Tyler has a large steak, cooked medium rare.

After our meal we headed home. Some things were in boxes but anything necessary was left out.

"What's with all the boxes?" I asked my mom.

"The new school is on the other side of the city with my work so I thought it might be better to move closer." She gave me a hopeful smile.

"That's fine with me, just so long Tyler is with me."

Hearing his name Tyler looks up and blushes lightly.

"Why don't you guys go upstairs and work on packing up Zane's room?" My mom suggested.

"Sure, come on Tyler." I grab his paw and walk up to my room.

So sorry for the short and late chapter. I might have another chapter out later today or this weekend

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