Part 8

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We held paws as we walked to Tyler's house. As we went up to the front door I heard yelling and a crash.

Some guy I didn't recognize stormed out the front door. Ignoring us and stomping away he got in a car across the street and drove off.

"Probably my moms new ex-boyfriend." Tyler sighed.

We walked in and went strait to his room. I sat on his bed and set my stuff on the floor in front of me. Luckily we only had a little homework.

Finishing my homework I lay on the Tyler's bed. Looking at the ceiling I waited for him to finish.

I must have fallen asleep because I opened my eyes when something touched my muzzle. Tyler was kissing me. He opened his eyes and leaned back.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine."

"My mom left a little while ago. I don't think she'll be back for a while. Want to watch a movie?"

"Only if we can snuggle."

"Of course!"

Tyler grabbed my paw and we headed to the living room. He sat down and pulled me on top of him.

"Genere?" he asked.

"Romance, comedy, or action."

Tyler scrolled to the romance section and picked a movie.

I could feel the side of my face was wet. Was I being licked...? I opened my eyes to see Tyler licking me.

"Sorry, did I fall asleep again?"

"It's fine, you might not be able to sleep much later anyway." He smirked mischievously.

I turned my eyes away blushing. Tyler gently moved my chin so I had to look at him.

"You're so cute when your shy."

I made an attempt to get up but was held firmly in place. I was so flustered I couldn't speak.

"Let's at least go to the bedroom," I managed to say after a few long moments.

Tyler shifted me so he could carry me bridal style. Walking into his room he closed the door with his foot. He lay me down on his bed.

We kissed in passion letting time become a distant thing. Just as we had gotten our shirts off Tyler's mom burst open through the door. We must not have heard her come in through the front door.

"What are you doing!" she yelled at Tyler. She held a bottle of liquor in one paw.

"Mom, you need to knock," Tyler said firmly.

"I thought I raised you properly! What are you doing half naked in a bed with another guy!" she shouted back.

"I can't have this talk with you right now mom. You are obviously drunk. I told you to stop coming home drunk after your boyfriends break up with you."

"I don't care! You!" She pointed a finger at me. "How dare you turn my son gay! Get out of my house! Vermin!" She started stomping towards me. The only thing I could do was cower in fear on the bed.

"Mom stop!" Tyler block his mom from me.

"No! I'm going to kill this bastard!"

"You'll have to go through me first!" Tyler barked at her furiously.

"I will then! I wouldn't want a son if he's gay!" She pulled a gun out of the purse she was carrying. Before Tyler could react I had jumped in front of him as a bang went off.

"Zane! ZANE!" Before anything else could happen darkness surrounded me against my will.

Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I should have another chapter out soon.

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