Part 13

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"You sit on the bed and tell me what needs to be packed," Tyler says.

"Are you sure, I'm practically back to normal now."

"I know, i just don't want you to push yourself or do anything that could hurt you."

I decided it was best to let him be a little overprotective for a little and sat down on the bed. As he held up items from my room I told him what to pack and what to leave out. Before long my room was stripped down to just necessities.

"That was fast," I said.

"Yeah, its only been an hour and a half."

"It's still a little early to go to bed, what do you want to do?" I asked. Tyler walked over to the bed and sat down next to me. Suddenly he hugged me and I hugged him back. "Are you okay?"

"No, you were gone so long." I could hear a few sniffles.

"It's okay now, I'm here." I pet his head slowly.

He retreated from the hug and looked me in the eyes. "Promise me you won't do something reckless like that again."

"I'll do my best to stay out of harms way from now on." I smiled and stroked his cheek with my thumb.

"I missed you so much. It was painful to see you hooked up to those machines."

"I know, I can't imagine how difficult it was for you." He buries his head in my chest and I can feel tears soaking through my shirt. I hold him against me and kiss his forehead. "It's okay now, I won't leave you like that." I lay back on the bed and let him cry into my chest.

"Sorry, I'm okay now," he says as he sniffles.

"You don't need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Thank you for understanding. I just felt so weak and helpless."

"You look tired, want to go to bed early?"

"Yeah," he said yawning.

We take off our shirts and pants. I watch as he lays down on his side on the bed and lay in front of him. I snuggle close to his chest and smell his fur. I hadn't realized how much I had missed sleeping in his embrace while I was at the hospital. He pulled me close and sniffed my head. Within minutes his breathing had slowed and he was fast asleep. It wasn't long before I followed him into dreamland.

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