Chapter 1: Kana the half hollow soul reaper

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"Average day in karakura town." Ichigo smirks a bit and puts his hands behind his head as he leans back in his seat in his homeroom class. "Hopefully aizen won't be able to use the thing he stole from rukia... I don't have any idea what he could really want it for in the first place seems like a waste of time to me..." Ichigo frowns and looks at ishida uryuu his quincy friend. "What do you think uryuu?" 

Ishida frowns and pushes his glasses up in a fashion that would lead others to believe he was annoyed. "Well obviously that isn't going to be the case. I doubt he would have went through all the trouble to obtain it if he thought there was the slightest chance he couldn't use It." ishida points out sarcastically.

Ichigo frowns. "Yeah probably, but there is still a chance that he won't be able to activate it right?" Ichigo sits up and glares at the chalk board. "Hey for what it's worth man... I'm sorry about how you lost your powers."

Ishida frowns at Ichigo. "I don't need your pity!"

Ichigo frowns. "Wasn't pity I'm just saying sorry man... forget it..." Ichigo looks at the time. 'I hope class ends soon I really need to get back to work training... that shinji is driving me up the wall with his stupid tests but I need to do it so I can get stronger and protect my friends.' Ichigo remembers his first encounter with the arrancar aizen has under his control. 'Grimmjow jaggerjack... I will defeat you.'

The bell sounds and Ichigo begins to hurry to meet his visored companions. Ishida begins his walk home. Chad heads to kisuke urahara's shop with orihime to train with renji and rukia. Just as Ichigo approaches the place he was heading to a large spirit pressure rips through the area. Everyone stops completely frozen by the strength of the pressure.

Toshiro and renji leave their gigia and head into battle.

Ichigo is very close to the spot so he goes to check it out. 'I recognize that kind of pressure... an arrancar!?'

Just as suddenly as the pressure had come it had shrank nearly to nothing. Ichigo could sense it nearby but was confused by the exact reason an arrancar would appear in the world of the living. Not only alone but also lowering its defenses by lowering its spiritual pressure.

Toshiro and renji followed the signal on hitsugaya's soul pager. "I don't understand captain hitsugaya! Why are the arrancar attacking now?! I thought aizen couldn't use the hogyoku yet!?" renji screams in a state of near panic.

Toshiro looks forward calmly and frowns. "I don't know renji but try to calm down. I doubt it's a full scale attack already there is no way he could have activated the hogyoku yet."

Renji frowns. "You know behind that mask of darkness... it's scary but that soul pressure it felt really familiar... you don't think aizen?" renji questions.

Toshiro shakes his head. "No aizen wouldn't be stupid enough to show his face around here, but you're right that pressure was oddly familiar." The rest of the time they flash step they don't speak.

Ichigo slides into the clearing and looks around. "Grimmjow! Come out here and fight me like a man!" he screams into the air unable to find anyone.

"Grimmjow isn't here." A voice chuckles from behind Ichigo. "But you're welcome to play with me in the meantime."

Ichigo turns around and comes face to face with a girl. Her eyes are both that hollow shade of yellow and on her face is half of a hollow mask. Ichigo reaches for his sword handle. "Just who are you!?"

"Who I am or who I was." She grins. "Doesn't matter. I'm a monster... so just kill me if you can!" she laughs and jumps into the air.

Ichigo draws his zangetsu to quickly block her attack. "Hey! Hold on! Why are you fighting me like this!? Are you an arrancar!?" he slides back a bit and pushes her back.

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