Chapter 25: Captain Kuchiki and the Hidden Beauty

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Byakuya walks back to squad six by himself after meeting up with renji and kana at the hospital. 'Well I'm very happy for lieutenant abarai... I hope he does well. I should rest up for that mission tomorrow but I know I still have work to do.' He walks back to his office and finds one of the squad six members out of bed even though it's very late. "Hey you. Why aren't you in bed? What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"

The shadow turns to look at him and all he can see is piercing yellow eyes in the dark. 'Is that? Yoruichi?' he wonders. 'Or perhaps it's a hollow?' he puts his hand on his sword hilt.

"It's just me captain kuchiki." A familiar girl with long dark purple hair and black rimmed glasses steps out of the shadow. "I was just checking to see if you'd returned."

Byakuya puts his hands back to his sides. "Oh... yokeshi... I've told you countless times not to sneak around in the shadows... you look like a hollow." He grumbles slightly annoyed that though he's warned her countless times she still sneaks around in the dark.

"Sorry captain." She bows. "Did you have a good time out?"

Byakuya nods and enters his office. "Yes but I still have a pile of work to get done since I was gone most of the day."

Yokeshi follows byakuya into his office. "Captain... I know we have a mission tomorrow really early... would you like some help with the work?"

Byakuya sits down. "That'd be appreciated." He motions to a chair next to his desk where renji normally sits. "You can have the lieutenant's seat if you like since he's not coming back tonight."

Yokeshi sits down and helps byakuya with the forms. After an hour of working yokeshi passes out on the desk slumped over in her chair.

Byakuya smirks as he finishes up the last of the papers. 'Yokeshi has always helped out when renji isn't around... she'd be in the running for 3rd seat if she stronger, but I've never even seen her unseal her blade. I wonder sometime if she even can. Still she is very talented when it comes to other things like the paper work and she's highly skilled with kido.' Byakuya lifts her up out of the chair and carries her to one of the two sofas. 'She always helps me, but ends up asleep. I've become quite used to her being around even if she isn't awake. i often wonder if she likes me as more than her captain... however it just simply couldn't be unless she were a noble like myself... i will not lead her on. i promised my parents i wouldn't break the rules again.'

Byakuya covers her with a blanket he keeps on the back of the sofa then he returns to his desk. 'She'll need to sleep she's part of the team that's going on recon with me tomorrow. I'll go to bed soon too.'

-The next day on the mission-

"Alright you two go that way you two go the other way and you head that direction." Byakuya commands his group in different directions. Everyone branches off in their scooting teams. Byakuya looks around. "It appears a hollow was here but it probably retreated back to Hueco Mundo." Byakuya takes a step forward and his feet sink into the ground. "hu?" he tries to move but nothing happens. "A trap?" he looks up to see a half human half hollow staring back at him. "An arrancar?!"

The arrancar grins. "Look what I've caught in my trap... a soul reaper... captain! Oh what fun!" she squeals delightedly.

Byakuya reaches for his zanpakuto but finds it gone. "What!? Senbonzakura!?"

"Looking for this?" another arrancar girl giggles holding up byakuya's zanpakuto.

Byakuya frowns. "That's not yours it's mine give it back." He sinks a bite lower.

"Don't care. Mine now." She grins.

" She grins

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