Chapter 26: The Dawn of the Abarai Clan

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Renji waits alone in the front room of the squad four relief center. He paces back and forth with his hands on his head. 'She went into labor like an hour ago... how long does this take? I'm going crazy out here!' he looks down the hall and scowls. 'And captain Unohana won't let me back there. Not that I want to see that anyway but that isn't the point!'

"Did we miss it?!" an out of breath hitsugaya and rangiku appear behind renji.

"No..." renji frowns. "I've just been pacing and going out of my mind in here..."

Rangiku smiles. "Oh that's good we only just got free time so it's good we didn't miss anything."

Grimmjow smirks from one of the sofas in the room. "I was here immediately but I was enjoying watching renji pace and panic... so I didn't say anything."

Toshiro frowns. 'Oh great that guy is here...' he frowns. "Where's kisuke and nami? And Ichigo and uryuu?" toshiro asks.

Grimmjow smirks again. "Kisuke and Ichigo are here they went on a snack run... nami and uryuu decided to stay behind and train."

Toshiro and rangiku sit down away from grimmjow. "Alright..." toshiro sighs and puts his hands on his face. "How long do you figure this will take?"

Rangiku shrugs. "Could be anywhere from an hour to nearly a day."

Renji frowns. "Are you serious?"

Yumichika and ikkaku from squad eleven walk in and have a seat with everyone. "Hey guys we miss anything?" ikkaku asks putting his hands behind his bald head and kicking back into relax mode.

"Ikkaku... Yumichika?" rangiku smiles. "I didn't expect you two to show up?"

"Captain Zaraki couldn't make it." Yumichika explains. "He's away on a mission."

Renji sighs and looks down the hall again. "I wish I knew what was going on back there..."

Izuru and momo hurry into the room but then seeing everyone sitting and calm izuru pauses. "Did I miss it?"

Renji turns to izuru. "No I'm completely in the dark over here..."

Momo comforts renji. "It's going to be fine renji. Don't worry too much."

"How can I not worry?" Renji frowns.

Byakuya and his wife yokeshi show up. "Lieutenant." Byakuya looks around. "Is everything ok?"

"I don't know captain. Retsu hasn't come back to give me any news yet." Renji sighs and slumps into a seat. "I'm going to have a meltdown..."

Momo and izuru sit by renji and comfort him.

Shinji, kensei, and shuhei show up followed by kisuke and Ichigo who are back from their snack run.

-A little later-

Renji is still going out of his mind worrying about kana. Everything in the room is quite except the tv which is on the home improvement channel.

'Lieutenant Abarai...' Retsu says appearing in the hall with a small smile.

Renji whips around quickly eyes wide. "yeah." He stands up. "Do you need me now?"

Retsu smiles. "Everything went fine. You can come and see now if you like."

Renji nods and tries to calm himself down. 'it's over... I can go see kana now...'

"Go on." Izuru grins. "I'm sure she's waiting for you."

"right." Renji starts walking unsure if he remembers how to walk. Then he follows Retsu to the back room. They enter the door and the first thing renji notices is two blankets. "Kana how do you feel?"

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