Chapter 18: Missing Lieutenant

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(after repairing the bond between the squads kana is having a chat with renji. renji tells her he's a bit depressed as he has to leave for a week on an investigation patrol in the land of the living. later kana receives an invite to a captain's gathering where she gets to know the other captains and figures out what sort of drunk her former captain is.)

The next day after the dodgeball game kana visited with renji in the squad three barracks. They spend the whole day talking about various things until the sun goes down and it's about time for renji to leave.

"I'm so glad we finally get some time." Kana smiles.

"Yeah it's nice to just hang out and talk sometimes." Renji frowns and looks at the door.

"What's wrong renji?" kana asks sensing he is possibly upset about something.

Renji looks at kana and sighs. "Tomorrow I'm leaving for a while... on a scooting mission... my team will be gone for at least a week."

Kana frowns. "Oh... well good luck though."

Renji lays on the floor pouting. "I don't want to go... but captain kuchiki is busy with his important royal duties so he can't lead the team." Renji frowns at the ceiling. "Sometimes I just really hate this job..."

Kana smiles a little. "It isn't so bad... what are you scooting?"

Renji sits up and shrugs. "I'm not sure... some strange reports of hollow activity in a place that isn't cannon... its sure to be just the most boring thing ever..."

"Cannon?" kana remarks.

Renji nods. "You know the writer can't be bothered to think up a name for the place so she's being lazy and doing a fourth wall break instead."

"Oh..." kana chuckles. "Well I wish you luck on your scooting trip." Kana kisses him good bye.

-Two days later-

That morning kana had received a hell butterfly from toshiro that the captains were all going to meet up for drinks this night not far from the squad three entrance, so she goes to that. Kana arrives at the place and finds four of the other captains already there.

"Captain Hatokenshi!" jushiro ukitake smiles. "Your just on time come join us." He motions to a seat next to himself and hitsugaya. "Oh and don't worry about anything formal like calling captains captain that's not necessary tonight we're all captains." He chuckles.

Kana nods and takes a seat next to jushiro. "Thank you... um actually I'm not sure I know your name..."

Jushiro laughs a little. "Well pardon I don't think I actually managed to introduce myself to you before. My name is jushiro ukitake I'm the captain of squad thirteen." He points with his thumb. "This stiff next to me is squad eight captain Shunsui Kyōraku."

"heeeeeey..." Shunsui pouts. "Who are you calling a stiff?"

Toshiro chuckles. "And of course you know me." toshiro looks at the other captain. "And I think you've already met shinji hirako of squad five."

Kana nods to hitsugaya and looks at shinji. "Yes I have met shinji before..."

Shinji smirks. "Kana great to see you again. How is your mastery coming along?"

Kana frowns. "Well I haven't lost control since I became captain. I think I finally have it under control now."

"That's great." Shinji smiles. "I'll be sure to let the others know."

"Hey don't start the party without me." kensei chuckles and sits next to shinji. "sups lady I saw you around the ware house but I never got to fully introduce myself." He extends his hand. "Kensei muguruma. Squad nine. Pleased to meet ya."

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