Chapter 28: The End

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-10 years later- 

"Daddy!" Karin screams and runs into the room her ponytail hair bobbing as she runs.

Renji turns around. "Yes Karin dear is something wrong?"

Karin frowns tears in her eyes. "Daddy Kain was pulling on my hair again." She screams and points down the hall.

"Tattle tale!" Kain fires back and runs out the back door into the back yard.

Renji pinches his nose and looks at izuru. "Your kid is so much better behaved then mine are."

Izuru nods and looks at Nate. "I'll admit he is a lot easier to handle but that's because he doesn't like to make me worry he's a good boy really."

Renji stands up. "I should probably go and deal with this I'll be back after I find Kain."

Izuru nods and smiles. "That's alright I understand."

Renji goes out into the back yard and looks around. He smirks as he senses kain's spiritual pressure coming from behind a bush. Renji sits down in front of the bush with his back to the bush. "I know your there. Why'd you pull on Karin's hair Kain?"

Kain pouts. "Because girls are icky and she was trying to touch my face."

Renji sighs. "I've told you before Kain you can't do that... it hurts her when you do that. You'll be ten years old tomorrow you need to start acting like a young man instead of a child."

Kain comes out from behind the bush. "I'm sorry dad..."

Renji smiles. "Come on let's go apologize to your sister then we'll practice your kendo alright."

Kain smiles. If there was one thing he liked more than anything in the world was practicing his kendo with his dad. "Alright."

Renji stands up and the two walk back into the house and find izuru giving Karin some pointers about dealing with little brothers. Renji nudges Kain forward. "Go on apologize."

Kain nods and walks over to Karin. "I'm s..." he stops when she hugs him.

"I'm sorry." Karin beats him to it.

Kain looks at his dad for help. "Ok let go now..."

Karin lets go and runs back down the hall to her room.

Kain is not really sure what to think about that. "She didn't even let me finish..."

Renji chuckles. "Girls are complicated my boy." Renji looks at izuru. "We're going to practice kendo would you and Nate like to come?"

Izuru nods and smiles. "Of course. Nate you want to come practice kendo?"

Nate turns around and smiles. The young man had grown much the ten years he was now nearly as tall as izuru. "Sure thing dad." he stands up and walks over calmly.

Izuru smiles. "They grow up so fast."

Renji nods. "They really do." Renji pauses. "Oh wait I just remembered something!" he digs around in his pockets and finds the medallion and hair pin give to Karin and Kain by ikkaku and Yumichika the day they were born. Renji turns to Kain and smiles. "You remember ikkaku from squad eleven right Kain? He comes to visit sometimes."

Kain nods. "Yes he brings his boyfriend with him." Kain giggles.

Renji nods and kneels down in front of his son. "This was given to me by ikkaku on the day you were born to give to you when you got older." Renji holds up the medallion. "He said it was lucky."

Kain smiles and accepts it. "So cool!" he replies and pulls the chain over his neck. "I'll keep it forever!"

Renji smirks. "Good boy. Now let me go find your sister real quick..." renji walks down the hall. "Karin!" he calls and knocks on her door.

"yes." She opens the door and stares up at him with big shining eyes.

Renji smiles and hands her the hair pin. "You remember Yumichika from squad eleven right? He comes to visit sometimes."

Karin nods. "He has feathers in his eye." She smiles.

Renji nods. "Yeah he gave you this when you were born he said he wished for you to treasure it when you got older."

Karin smiles and clips it into her hair. "It's beautiful!"

Renji nods. "Yes it is." He stands up. "We're going to go and practice kendo now would you like to come along?"

Karin shrugs. "I guess." She follows renji back to the front room then the group goes to the training room of the Kira family house and they all take up wooden swords.

Karin was already much better at kendo then Kain she was so ready to enroll in the academy next week.

Kain on the other hand was not very good at kendo and often ended up hurting himself because he couldn't hold the handle properly. Renji helps Kain while Karin practices by herself.

Izuru draws the wooden sword. "What are the rules of battle Nate?"

Nate smiles. "Never go looking for a fight. You should never fight battles that don't need to be fought. Despair and fear battles. Detest to acts of violence."

Izuru smiles. "Good now show me what you've learned."

Nate charges at izuru with his weapon ready. "I hope you're not rusty old man."

Izuru chuckles. "You've got a ways to go yet young one." Izuru and Nate clash wooden swords and being their kendo training. Izuru was beyond proud of Nate who had graduated top of his academy class, despite being so young, and had been placed in squad three with izuru as a soul reaper.

Mayuri trained Sai in the ways of science and even taught him how to fight. Sai became a soul reaper of squad twelve and one of Mayuri's most trusted assistants.

Rio trained with Jushiro ukitake captain of squad thirteen. After graduating the academy top of his class alongside Sai and Nate he began to act for the betterment of the soul society and became the third seat officer of squad thirteen while rukia became the lieutenant.

Ichigo and uryuu in the human world are now twenty-five and have a five year old named jezebel. She has Quincy powers. So both Ichigo and uryuu figured out uryuu must have been the dad but that was ok because Ichigo loved her anyways.

Grimmjow and nami have a seven year old son named Jason jaggerjack. Grimmjow and nami got married after one year together as a couple.

Ikkaku and Yumichika heard the Ichigo and uryuu had a baby and it made them very jealous so they decided to do the same thing Ichigo and uryuu did. Find a girl willing to carry a baby for them and then raise it together. However the girl they found was extremely clingy and refused to leave either of them alone with a child so she became their nanny taking care of the baby when they were away on missions.

Byakuya kuchiki and his wife yokeshi have three children all different ages. One a boy is nine years old, the second also a boy is seven, and the third was a girl age six. Because the eldest son would one day take over as head of the clan byakuya spent the majority of his time passing down every lesson he could to his eldest son.

Kisuke became a number one selling author of boy love manga in karakura town.

Uryuu's father eventually forgave him after he found out Ichigo and uryuu child was a Quincy.

Kana and renji are still very happy living as a branch family with izuru Kira in his family home.

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