Chapter 14: Captain Kana Hatokenshi

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(Chapter summary: After displaying her power to the other captain's kana is determined to show squad three that just because they're symbol is despair doesn't mean they can't have fun.)

The morning had been so exciting and fast that kana was having trouble keeping up with everything that was going on. All she knew right now was that she was on the way to a captain's exam in which four captains would be present. Head captain Yamamoto, Suì-Fēng of squad two, Retsu Unohana of squad four, and Sajin Komamura of squad seven. Toshiro hitsugaya had informed her on the way there not to be nervous, but that only made her more nervous. She realizes that the four chosen captains are one's she is not very familiar with. 'What will they think of me?'

She enters the door and steps inside to her place. "Squad ten third seat kana Hatokenshi reporting for captains exam." She rattles off the line toshiro had told her.

"Hatokenshi...?" squad seven captain repeats. "If I'm not mistaken your name means heart of the sword?"

"Actually forgive me but Hatokenshi is not my true name..." kana frowns. "You see I forgot my last name so instead I just started using the name for what people like me are called as my name because it's easier to remember."

The squad seven captain chuckles. "Well I like it." he turns to Yamamoto. "I am now ready to begin."

Yamamoto nods. "Very well. Begin the assessment."

-One hour later-

Kana showed off everything she had and even managed to keep her hollow form in check. After sparring with Sanji it was agreed that he was indeed powerful. Then she showed the captain's her bankai which vexed Sanji as he was unable to find a way to combat the sand and subsequently lost the match. Kana waits with toshiro outside the room while the four captains discuss whether or not she passes.

The door opens and the four step out. Toshiro simply can't wait. "So?" toshiro coaxes them.

Yamamoto grins a bit. "It's unanimous four of four. You have what it takes."

Sanji hands her a white robe with the squad three marking on it. "Welcome aboard captain Hatokenshi."

Toshiro smiles. "That's great! You did it!"

Kana smiles. "I won't let you down sir." She pulls the over robe on and smiles again. "I'll get started right away."

"That's great news." Lieutenant Kira of squad three chuckles. "We're completely buried in paperwork and some of the squad have become a bit depressed."

Kana nods. "Very well then we'll start with the papers." She looks at captain hitsugaya. "I'm not part of squad ten anymore. So I probably won't come around much."

Toshiro shrugs her off. "Yeah I know. Don't be a lazy captain on your first day."

Kana nods to toshiro and the others and then follows Kira to the squad three barracks. "I don't suppose we have any seated officers?" kana asks.

Kira frowns. "Unfortunately no. Just mountains of paper work." He smiles and sits down on the floor next to the papers. "I've been working on them since yesterday but no matter how many I do it seems that there is just more and more."

Kana sits in the captain's seat and begins looking at the papers. "I see the issue." Kana frowns at half the stack marked for squad nine. "These aren't even for squad three?"

Kira looks at them and frowns. "Your right. Some of these are from other squads. How did that happen?"

Kana shrugs and begins sorting the papers out that weren't even for squad three. "It seems like other squads have been pushing their work off on you lieutenant."

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