Chapter 12: Squad Ten Third Seat Kana

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(Chapter summary: grimmjow is still trying to figure out how he feels about killing a hollow with a zanpakuto to protect a human. Kisuke makes an attempt to prove to grimmjow that soul reapers don't just mindlessly kill hollows they do it to protect those who can't protect themselves. Meanwhile Kana receives two bits of good news. One is that she's able to return home and the other is that Captain of squad twelve might have found a cure for hollowfication.)

Because renji had to return to the soul society kana is not doing much other than helping around the shop and occasionally letting kisuke try new techniques to cure hollowfication on her. Grimmjow however is a complete mess. Still trying to decide what it means to have a heart, and then fighting with his guilt over knowingly slaying another hollow using a zanpakuto.

Grimmjow sits up high in a tree along the shores of the river that runs through the town. 'What even happens to a hollow when a soul reaper kills it?' he wonders looking at the water. 'Are they gone forever? Do they return to Hueco Mundo? Do they go to the underworld?' he frowns and leans against the tree. "What am I even doing?"

Grimmjow thinks back to that moment when nami had been in danger. 'I wasn't even a little concerned about the hollow. All that pissed me off was that it had attacked somebody I knew.' He frowns. 'But why didn't I just walk away. What drove me to fighting to defend a human?'

"Hey..." kisuke leaps into the tree and lands next to grimmjow. "Deep thinking? Yeah you picked a nice place. Great view from up here."

"Deep thinking only really works if it's quiet." Grimmjow grips.

Kisuke smirks. "Want to talk about it?"

Grimmjow pouts and then after giving it some thought. "Yeah... what happens when a soul reaper kills a hollow?"

Kisuke seems a bit surprised. "You don't know?"

Grimmjow shrugs. "It never accrued to me that I would need to ask."

Kisuke nods. "Fair point." He sits down and looks at the water. "You see. When a spirit becomes a hollow it's because they lost their heart and they become monsters. They then attack those they were closest too in life or others with strong spirit pressure. When a hollow is cut with a zanpakuto it frees the human soul of the hollow sin and then passes judgement on the human soul itself sending it either to the soul society or the underworld. Everything the hollow did while it was a hollow is forgiven. And so the judgement is passed only on the sins the soul committed because becoming a hollow."

Grimmjow looks at his zanpakuto. "Arrancar... they have soul reaper power... would our zanpakuto do the same thing?"

Kisuke nods. "I don't see why it wouldn't after all soul reaper and hollow... the only difference between them is one side attacks humans while the other protects them."

Grimmjow continues to look at his zanpakuto his eye narrow. "Kisuke... do you think it is justified to kill a hollow... if you don't know why you're doing it?"

Kisuke shakes his head. "Well no. you should always be absolutely sure of your intension when fighting. No matter the opponent you should always know your reason for fighting them. If you don't have a reason then there isn't a need to fight."

Grimmjow frowns. "So... in other words... those who fight without a purpose... are just doing it just because?"

Kisuke shrugs. "Well just because is a reason too but." Kisuke puts one hand on grimmjow shoulder. "Personally I like fighting to protect others rather than to fight just because. If you always fight just because you want to... you end up like kenpachi from squad eleven. You don't leave yourself much room for improvement. And you don't have a real reason to kill."

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