Chapter 19: Found Lieutenant

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(In the last chapter kana went to las noches in Hueco Mundo hoping to locate renji abarai whom she believes was abducted by a hollow.)

Grimmjow smiles a bit and stretches in bed. "This would be a good day to sleep in." he opens one eye just a little to look at the bright sunlight streaming through the window. "Nice bright beam of sunlight as well... man I can't be bothered to move right now." He smirks and closes his eyes again. "The world of the living isn't so bad."

It is a few days after his kiss with nami. He didn't care much for the entire idea of dating but uryuu had insisted that if he didn't date nami he'd be leading her on and uryuu could not accept that idea, although he couldn't accept them dating either. Since the day of his kiss though grimmjow had thought of nothing else but spending more and more time in this world experiencing thing he hadn't thought about before, and last night had by far been the best night out of all of them. Grimmjow had been snooping through kisuke's belongings. (Curiosity of a cat.) When he stumbled upon the collection of boy love novels kisuke had hidden in a chamber below his bed.

Grimmjow had spent the majority of the night reading them because he didn't have anything else to do and at one point he wondered what it'd be like to try those things he saw in the books. So he decided to try it himself copying one of the books where he himself had been a character. In the manga book his character had become aroused by the idea of fighting and got off on it, in real life however he needed a bit more source material then just thinking about fighting because fighting wasn't the most important thing to him anymore. (Don't ask... i literally have no idea why i wrote that...)

'Last night was freakin great. I can't believe I hadn't tried that before.' He smirks half asleep.

"Hey grimmjow! Wake up you lazy cat!" jinta yells from the doorway. "You lazy mooching cat the least you could do is help out!"

Grimmjow sits up slightly annoyed that his good mood had been wrecked. "Kid if you don't fuck off right now I might have to kill ya."

Jinta scoffs and walks down the hall.

Grimmjow frowns and flops back on the bed. "Well that peace of mind sure didn't last long."

Kisuke appears in the doorway. "You awake grimmjow?"

Grimmjow grumbles. "Yup... what do you want purvey shop owner urahara?"

"Just thought you'd like to know... kana is in Hueco Mundo." Kisuke mumbles leaning against the door.

"hm?" grimmjow sits up surprised. "What!? Why'd she go there!?"

"Probably because renji abarai is there... or at least she thinks he might be." Kisuke shrugs. "it's possible he might be there... squad six said kana tracked the reishi paths until she concluded a hollow had opened a portal to Hueco Mundo then she left on her own to go find him."

Grimmjow stands up quickly dropping his gigai. "That foolish girl!" he growls digging for his outfit in the closet. "Damn it urahara I need my clothes I'm not wearing this stupid pink kimono to las noches!"

Kisuke nods and tosses a wrapped up bundle onto the bed. "Thought you might need it but it was filthy and torn... I had uryuu fix it up for ya."

Grimmjow doesn't care he quickly changes and rips his nails through the air ripping open a portal. "I'll be back!" he growls and disappears into the portal.

Kisuke smirks. "Just as I thought... he really does care about kana. Good news I can probably trust him to keep her alive until the soul society gets their squads together. unless they manage to get abarai back before the soul reapers get together."

-In Hueco Mundo-

Kana stands outside the gates of las noches with half her hollow mask pulled over her face. "Half the beast's power is more than enough." She breaks the door down and walks inside. "I'm familiar with how this place works. I can feel Renji's presence here." Kana starts flash stepping quickly down the halls. "I shouldn't have to worry too much they can't do anything to him without the hogyoku... but still he could be injured..." she steps faster. "If I keep following this path it should lead me directly to the throne room." Kana frowns. "Where we fought aizen."

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