Chapter 23: Toshiro and the Stray Zanpakuto

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(Toshiro furious at the ridicule from the previous chapter stumbles into a strange spirit forest without paying attention. there he meets a young zanpakuto spirit who has taken posses of her master's body.)

Toshiro storms off deeper through squad three not paying attention and completely pissed off that everyone had just laughed when kenpachi and his lieutenant made fun of him. 'How dare they speak to me that way I'm a captain!' he stares at the ground as he walks not really paying attention to where he's going. 'It isn't fair! I worked very hard to earn my rank as captain and everyone always treats me like I'm some kind of joke!' he walks until he trips and falls on his face. "oww..." he grumbles and sits up. "Wait... where am i?" he looks around. "This place... I've never been here before..."

Something flashes behind him quickly from behind a tree and disappears behind another tree. Toshiro turns to look but it's already gone. "What... was that?" he stands up and a jolt of pain shoots through his leg. It sits back down and looks at his leg. "I've sprained my ankle... just great..."

"Are you injured?" a voice from the trees mumbles.

"Whose there!?" toshiro looks around. 'I don't recognize the voice. Is it a squad three member?'

"nobody important..." a girl about toshiro's age with long white hair bright blue eyes and cat ears steps out from behind a tree with a dark blue kimono on. "Are you hurt?"

Toshiro stares at the girl

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Toshiro stares at the girl. 'Who is she? She has white hair like mine... and big blue eyes... just like me!?'

"I saw your hair and... I got scared... I thought you were gin..." she mumbles. "But I had heard he left."

"You know gin?" toshiro questions.

"The scary man from the barracks... he used to come to the forest." The girl steps forward hesitantly.

"I won't hurt you." toshiro puts his hands down. "Who are you? And what are you doing out here in the forest?"

The girl sighs. "It doesn't matter who I am..." she smiles and kneels down next to toshiro. "I can tell your kind... because you're just like me..." she looks at his ankle. "You've sprained it pretty good let me help you." the girl moves her hand over his ankle and he shrinks back a little. "I won't hurt you..."

"O-ok..." toshiro sits perfectly still while she uses medical kido to heal him. "You know some medical techniques... are you a soul reaper?"

The girl shakes her head. "Part of me was... actually I'm a zanpakuto..."

Toshiro stares at her. "A... a zanpakuto?"

She nods. "The one who created me... could not hear my name... and so when her soul was stolen by a hollow my spirit was able to take control of her body." A tear forms in her eyes. "I've been hiding here away from the soul society because I didn't want anyone to know I was here..."

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