Typical Janelle

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              Dedicated to ky - rine

Janelle's P.O.V

It is a popular saying that "You never know what life shall bring " which is certainly true.
This part of my life I am letting you know about is the perfect example.

I am not a normal teenage girl as my fiends and friends like to say, which is funny because I happen to be blessed with just one friend - Danielle Sawyer. She also happens to be my best friend. She has long legs to die for and an hour glass figure with a lean frame. She has blonde hair decorated with pink highlights. All of these qualities make up a model - she loves modelling. I can't model for the life of me but I am aware that I possess 'a sick figure ' not my words though. I am slightly taller than Danielle. I also possess emerald green eyes and blonde hair with a lighter shade and some brown highlights.

I and Danielle have been best friends since childhood. Turns out her parents and mine are close friends.
She is one of the notable few that experience the real me when I am not playing the Bad Girl role.

I have been graced with the title of 'Bad Girl ' at school because of my expensive collection of motorcycles and leather jackets. I don't know what that has to do with being a Bad Girl but it's not like I am complaining though. I relish the fact that I don't have to worry about getting bumped into or even wiggling my way through a sea of bodies due to the fact that once I am in sight a path is created like the path of the Red sea.
No one really wants to deal with the glare or punch -if I am not in a good mood -that will come his \her way . I am very much comfortable with this life because I am never bothered by students and teachers except....

"Miss Monroe..... "
Urgh is this badluck or what?
I just hope it's not the voice...

"Miss Monroe? "
And there goes my hope for the day.
"Yeah? "

There in all his glory *cough *annoying and gloomy presence stands Mr Lincoln Summers glaring at me. Here goes the only teacher who tries his best to embarrass me -not like it works anyway.

"Janelle, I was asking if you could solve the problem on the board? "
Without as much as another glance his way, I solved the problem and supplied him the answer. He accepts it with a look of disappointment on his almost mangled face. Seriously I don't know what he is trying to prove because he always asks me questions and I always answer them. It's no surprise though since I am a straight A student.
He went on ranting off to the class I went back to La-la land. Calculus is an interesting subject believe me but when Mr Summers is in front, I tend to space out. His classes are so boring. Calculus is one of my favorite subjects. Not exactly the Bad Girl right?

The bell for lunch dragged me out of my reverie and I let go a sigh of relief while dragging myself to the cafeteria. I had just a granola bar this morning, so I really need this lunch.
I picked up my tray and walked towards the lunch line, well not necessarily the lunch line more like straight to the food. I picked up a cheese burger and fries, a soda and M&M's .Taking my tray of food, I head to our table where Danielle and her boyfriend -I think his name is Lipton or Lucy -I really don't know but it starts with an L. I guess I never really liked the guy.

I plopped down on my seat immediately Lucy told Danielle something and she started laughing hysterically that we started attracting attention but noticing the table, every one turned back to their business.
"Hi Elle "I greeted immediately after her laughing fit while taking a huge bite off my burger.
"Hi J"She later said after she had calmed down and I just nod considering my love for food. Warning - Don't separate Janelle from food.
"So how is Valerie, Brooke told me she is back and is staying for a month "
"She is cool " I said finally after gulping down my soda. "She brought some of the outfits from the new collection. Are you gonna stop by the house and take some? "
"Sure why not "she chirped almost instantly "Then we can watch movies and maybe have a sleepover. It's been so long since we did that "
Then Lucy piped in saying "Pumpkin, we had plans today "
"Oh,hey Lucy" I said as if just realising his presence for the first time. The name I called him made him grimace.
"Uhh, am sorry but it's Lucas not Lucy ".
I didn't bother apologizing but glared at him daring him to say one more thing. While he was squirming under my glare, Danielle said "Oh, sorry pie but we can arrange for another day right? "
I almost gagged at them calling themselves different types of food. It was surprising though but I think it's because the dishes were not before me. Thank heavens.
Thankfully, the bell saved me before someone will be called fries and I will puke for sure. I dashed towards the trash can to throw my trash away before practically running to AP Chem which isn't normal. I could hear Danielle laughing at me while I was running to class.

Finally after another unbearable class, I was greatly relieved to hear the annoying ring of the bell. Picking up my bag, since I didn't get anything out, I quickly made my way to my locker to get books for homework.
Danielle came up beside me while I was walking through the front door of the school and we walked in comfortable silence towards the parking lot. At the parking lot, we stop in front of a Silver Porsche that belongs to Danielle and I waited till she sat, flung her bag to the back seat and buckled up before I spoke up. "So I'll see you four-ish right? ". She nods"Don't forget to order pizza or else start preparations for your funeral because you will be found dead tomorrow if you don't get it ". She said seriously.
I gasped mockingly "You can't do that! You love me "
Smiling she said "watch me. I got to go. Love ya. " I bent down and gave her a peck through the car window after which she drove off.
I walked to my bike at my parking spot, threw on my helmet and fixed in my earplugs listening to Adele's set fire to the rain while  driving home.

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