Full of surprises.

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Janelle's P.O.V

Brooke comes down from the car and i grab and put on my sunshades,stepping out of my car.
We took Mom's Carerra Porsche 911. Without her knowledge of course.

At the parking lot,a little crowd of awestruck students gather around the car but not too close. I hardly come to school without my motorcycles or my Toyota Tundra.

I waste no more time there leaving the admirers the same way they were. As i approach my locker, i see Danielle leaning on her locker, texting someone and chewing bubblegum.

"Morning". I greet but there is no answer. I push my books into the locker. After doing that, i face the mirror on the locker to check my appearance...

I might be badass but i gotta look good .

Apparently ,my hair looks manageable as it flows around my shoulders down the middle of my back. My minimal makeup is okay- if you refer to mascara and lipgloss as makeup.

"Mhmm, how was your weekend without me?". Danielle finally answers my greeting.

"It was the best weekend of my life". I say while closing my locker.

"Aww, i know you missed me".

She rushes to my side as i walk towards my first period. I hear the sound of my car alarm outside. I brushed it off, maybe it's one of those admirers touching it. I put it off with the car remote in my hand. It went off again and this time i turned around.
People don't just get the message.

Alec's P. O. V

I drive into the school parking lot with some ten minutes to spare.
F*** my younger brother.
He thought it was a joke to mess with my cologne this morning.

I take a step out of Jace - my car.

Yeah,yeah i named my car so what?

It's a Ford.

As i walk towards the front door of the school, i see a little crowd of people looking at something and talking animatedly.

I move to the area to see what was happening and when i got there i almost gasped but i held it in.

Here in front of me is a Porsche Carerra 911.It's black and looks so new.

Holy shit....
Oh my God....
I must be dreaming.

I pinch myself to get myself out of this trance.

I look again and the car is still there.

No certainly not a trance.

I absentmindedly walk towards the car ignoring the looks of fear thrown my way-i don't know if it's for me or of me- . It should be the latter.

I touched the car and immediately the alarm went off but it soon stopped.

So the person is around. I looked round but no one looked to be the owner of the car.

I touched the car again but this time to draw the owner of the car out maybe i could get a ride sometime.

The alarm went off again and i waited.


I looked towards the direction of the noise and saw the girl from last week coming towards me.

Maybe she wants to apologize so she can get a piece of me. This thought made me form a smirk.

But then,her jaw ticks now and then. If she is coming to apologize why would she be angry ?.

She stops in front of me and i take a good look at her. I didn't see her face earlier.

She is hot.
She is curvy.
She is tall.
She is a bunch of other things i don't know.

"Would you stop making the alarm go off". She says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Why would you care?". I ask with a smirk.

"Well that's because the car you are touching is mine". She replies in a low tone and at the same time pressing a button on a remote i didn't realize she was holding in her hands as the alarm stops.

The smirk on my face was quickly wiped off and replaced with clear surprise.



This girl is the owner of my dream car?......

She owns a Carrera Porsche 911?...

And her giggly friend is beside her giggling!

This girl is full of surprises.

So full of them , i can't count.

****                   ****                    ****
So guyz,i'm sorry .
Please forgive me.
I've been so lazy to update.
What kind of person am i?
So so sorry.

Pls vote and comment

Don't forget.,😊😁⭐⭐✨⭐⭐

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