Dance Job

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Janelle's P O V

Danielle kept trying the clothes and squealing like a cricket, asking me for my opinion everytime.
"How is this? I mean the gown hugs me perfectly, might as well put it on for my date with Lucas next week ". She says looking at me expectantly, waiting for my opinion.
"Great, shows off your curves and brings out your eyes". I reply with a bored tone.
I mean it's ironic right?
My Mom is a famous fashion designer but I don't like dresses. I prefer jeans, short shorts, crop tops and jackets. The only time I wear dresses is during mom's fashion shows. I, Brooke and Danielle are almost always a part of her shows except one of us is occupied. Brooke is the girly twin with pink getups and six inch heels. Same thing with Danielle but she hates pink "it's so glittery " her words not mine.

Danielle walks towards me trying to balance the heap of clothes, bags and shoe boxes she had taken in her hands. I stand up and help her pack them into some plastic bags then we go downstairs and keep the bags at the back seat of her car.

While coming in, I see Brooke coming down the stairs in a white sports singlet and pink shorts.
"Hey Danielle " she says going over to hug our best friend. Yeah Danielle is our best friend, even if Brooke is a cheerleader, she isn't the bitchy type of girl.
"I missed you so much "Danielle says pulling away from the hug. "It was painfully annoying trying to stay with the guy beside me ". She said jerking her thumb towards me.
I gasp and touch my chest in mock hurt. "Really? Says the girl who had no time for anyone apart from Lipton ".
Danielle scowls at me. "It's Lucas, how many times do I have to put that in your pebble sized brain?! "
"What " with a murderous expression, I say  "You better run "
Brooke giggles and says "Guys, we are supposed to be watching movies and catch up not killing each other "
I stop half-run and immediately channel my direction to the living room. "Yup, I call dibs on the movie "
Danielle groans with a horrified expression "No way am I watching a movie picked by you. The last time that happened we couldn't sleep for three days". She's right on this one, I chose a horror movie and couldn't sleep for days.
"Urgh, okay I'll go with any but definitely not girly squealy movies"
Brooke inserts the movie "I saw this at a store and the summary was interesting. I think we should try it. "
We settle into the three seat couch with me in the middle, Brooke to my left and Danielle to my right. The words 'Spy' roll onto the screen.


"Haha, this movie is hilarious ". I say laughing my hearts out and steadily trying to steal a slice of pizza from the pizza box on Danielle's lap.
"Don't touch my pizza "
At the sound of her voice, I look at her and notice that she has not removed her eyes from the television.
"How do you do that? Do you have super powers or what? ". I ask her while taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl I and Brooke are sharing, made by our ever so considerate nanny, Stella.
"I have super powers when it comes to my pizza" Danielle says still looking at the TV.
I huff "So you get to eat a whole box of pizza and I have to share popcorn with Brooke, so not fair! ". I whine like a five year old with a pout.
Danielle looks at me this time and pinches my cheeks. "You are so adorable ".
I swat her hands away from my face while she continued. "You guys have to share because that is what is what twins do. They share". Danielle explains slowly like she's talking to a child in kindergarten.
"We don't even look alike " I say in a desperate attempt to get  a slice of pizza.
"Thank the heavens for that "Brooke mutters but I hear her and turn immediately, I am surprised I didn't get whiplash. Looking at her with that smug smile on her lips I want to clear it from her face.

"Only because you dyed your hair brown ". I replied with a smirk.
"Uh no, my hair is perfectly natural ".

Advice _ Never tell Brooke her hair is fake but it definitely is. We are identical twins with blonde hair but she dyed hers brown when we turned sixteen making her look different.
The smugness dropped from her face and she is about to reply when her ringing phone cuts her off. She shoots off the chair like the call saved her and picked it, going out of the living room.

I refocus my attention on the screen with a smirk. I totally love being a badass.
Not moments later, an ear shattering scream comes down the hallway moving in our direction.
I have only one guess - Brooke. Only Brooke would shout all over the house like that.

Danielle flinches besides me, alarmed by the suddenness but later goes back  to the movie. I certainly am used this so a reaction is far from happening.

Brooke comes in screaming "I got it, I got it!" jumping up and down with her phone in hand.
Seeing no reaction on our indifferent faces, she sighs and calms down.
"I got the job, the dance job "

That was when I and Danielle jumped out of our places on the couch and hugged the living daylights out of her.
"I am so happy for you"
"Can't..... breathe"Brooke choked out.
"Oh, sorry " we reply in unison.
"Is it the one you auditioned for two weeks ago? " I ask as I and Danielle take our places on the sofa and look towards Brooke, losing interest in the movie.
"Yes,  turns out it's for a music video ". She says regaining her giddiness from earlier.
"Oh my.... " I start.
"When does this video shoot start? " Danielle asks making me shut up at the reality that Brooke - my twin sister and second best friend - would be away for sometime.
"In a month"Brooke replies happily with a little hint of sadness.

We had never been happy splitting up but this is her dream and it won't be spoilt by a silly bond.
I shake my head trying to clear my head of the thoughts and give her a noogie, knuckles pressing deep into her skull. "My little sister is all grown up "
She huffs "Just by ten minutes! "
"Even a second counts". I retort.
We start arguing about who is older when Mom says "Seriously, you both are like two year olds".

We look at her slightly surprised at her presence but knowing how lightly she walks, it isn't much if a surprise.
"Hi Mom ". We mumble.
"Hi Valerie, you look gorgeous in that dress as always". Danielle gushes.
I roll my eyes at her gesture but sure mom is gorgeous in a red silk flowing gown that has a slit that stop at her knee and red stiletto heels matched with a black handbag.
"Thanks Danielle, you are so sweet ". Mom states smiling.
"Mom I have been given the dance job I told you about". Brooke chirps happily.

Mom practically jumped, holding Brooke's hands and starts chatting animatedly about the costumes. Not so long after Danielle joins in their conversation and I sigh just remembering there was a movie on all this time but when I turn, I see the credits rolling.
"Good night mom ". I kiss her on the cheek  .
"Danielle, you staying get over? ". I ask knowing what she would say.
"Yeah, I'll stay with Brooke ". She answers me.
"Okay ". I retreat to my room climbing up the stairs when I faintly hear Danielle's voice. "I can't sleep with her, she'll force me for a workout, it's scary "
I giggle slightly to myself and silently go upstairs where I change into my PJ's and sleep for the night.

Never know what will happen tomorrow.

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