Nice Meeting Jordan

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Janelle's P O V

Working out is something that I started since like forever. At first Brooke used to go out and run with me but now she prefers using the gym at home. We are always awake by five, typical because Dad was military so we are pretty much orderly and can also kick butt if need be.

I walk into the house after my rounds outside and head straight to the gym to lift some weights.

Brooke is there drinking water from a bottle.
"Good morning ". I mumble while making myself comfortable on the bench before lifting.

"Good morning, grumpy". Brooke says drying off her sweat with a towel as I grunt.

"Mind telling grumpy if you're okay? ". I reply with another grunt.

"As good as can be". She starts. "Um, Jany? Can I carpool with you today? "

"Why if I may ask? ". I drop the weight and arch a brow at her.

Brooke has more cars than I do, mostly sports cars. I mainly have motorcycles but I have some cars that have the masculine feel. Altogether, they are five.

A yellow hummer, a Toyota Tundra, a black Acura. The remaining two are the only sports cars I have. A Buggati Veyron and a Lamborghini Murcielago.

Brooke has like a dozen cars, what I don't get is why she wants to carpool with me.

"Don't feel like driving today". She shrugs.
"O....kay. So I think I'll go take my shower before you go all monkey dance on me".

Brooke is an early freak, if she goes to a place late she probably didn't go because she won't concentrate at all.

"Yeah you really need to tame that mop of blonde on your head. It haunts me everywhere I go because you look like a dejected vampire. " She says smugly with a little shiver.

I don't even think before I start chasing her round the house for some five minutes till she crashes into Danielle who is coming out for her habitual morning green tea. I pretend not to see them and land on the heap their bodies have made.

"Ow, not again ". Danielle whines as she tries to get out from under us only for us to come crashing down again.

"Group hug, mojos " Mom says and when I lift my head she has a sick grin on her face.

"Seriously, Mom you just bruised US four times more ". Brooke complains while getting up and helping a frustrated Danielle off the floor.

"Just needed a group hug". Mom pouts.

"Not getting one". I tell her groaning and rubbing my sore butt.

"Why? "
"You are old!!! ". I, Brooke and Danielle say in unison.

Mom gasps feigning hurt and dramatically weeps. "No love"

We all look at her but soon enough we burst out laughing.

Love my family.


Brooke waits for me outside while I grab my things from the car.
I didn't bring my bike today because Brooke said she wouldn't go to school on that'death trap' . However I brought my Toyota Tundra. I love this car. It's the only car I ride to school apart from my bikes.

We walk together, shoulder to shoulder past the parking lot while Danielle joins us. She got something to wear from my mom's closet. Typical.

As we enter the school doors, I brace my self for the rumors and force on a blank expression. Silence covers the hallway as we walk in as always. It takes all my self control not to roll my eyes.

Danielle and Brooke know what is coming so they count down quietly.



"Oh my god, are those boots for real? "

"I'll kill to have that jacket"

"Do you see that handbag, so this week! "

"Brooke is with them? "

"Does she want to quit cheerleading and become badass? "

"How did they even meet? "

Nobody at school knows that I and Brooke are related not even that we are twins. When we moved here we immediately chose our lifestyle and we are not talkative.

We stopped at Brooke's locker then later we went to I and Danielle's locker since they are adjoined. I take out my pocket knife, leather wrist band and some notes. I also drop my chemistry text book and close the locker.

After everyone is done ,I and Brooke do our special handshake _ aware of the eyes of everyone.

Brooke goes to her class and I and Danielle start going to ours when more murmurs echo in the hallway but I don't turn back. Due to the words coming out of the students mouths I think new students just walked in probably boys.
It's predictable by the looks on the girls' faces.

I walk into class and take my usual seat by the window
Allows me to think properly without disturbance. Danielle's seat is on the next row in front of Lipton's chair

We just walk to our seats not talking to each other. Nobody knows why we don't talk much at school. It's mostly because of rumors. Everything we say is turned the other way round. At Boston, Danielle was talking about my ratio and everyone took me for a gangster. So we don't talk much to avoid rumors that will make someone bleed.

I am not a very smiley person.
I am practically evil. Hahahahaha.

I am dragged fron my thoughts by someone tapping my chair from the back.

That's weird....
No one talks to me ever. Not a braggy thingy but it just happens.

I turn back to meet a pair if vibrant green eyes. The owner of those eyes is super cute.

Cue the fangirl in me.

But I don't recognize him so I assume he's one of the new students.

"Hi". He says with a little smile. I stare at him. Does this guy know that it's an unwritten rule not to talk to me or 'He will go home without his complete bones' _ the rumor mongers words not mine.

The way I stare at him is getting intimidating so he shys away but still tries to talk to me.

"Um, I am new...J... ust want to know your name ". He says nervously.

I think I'll cut him some slack.

"It's Janelle ". I reply.

"Janelle ". He tries the name on his tongue. "Nice name"
"Jordan Nielson ". He grins sticking his hand out for a handshake.

"It's nice meeting you "

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