The Three Witches

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Dedicated to rachellegarcia32

Janelle's p o v

After that class, the rest of the day was a blur but it was definitely interesting nonetheless. Jordan was making silly jokes that made me laugh.

This guy had to be the fastest friend I have made in my whole 17 years of life.

" go skinny dipping in a lake only to see scorpions waiting for a delicious meal ". He said grinning widely. I couldn't hold in the laughter anymore and cracked up which made everyone including the teacher look at me with surprised glances.

"Miss Monroe, did I say something funny? Miss Basil asked me with a glare. I couldn't get anything out because I was still cracking up but Jordan answered on my behalf.

"No, nothing funny. It was mostly boring".

It seemed as though the fire that was subsiding was attacked by petrol and I started laughing hysterically and some snickers from my classmates. Miss Basil's face was immediately morphed into a murderous expression.

"Detention both of you. Today after school".

"Aww seriously, but it's just the bitter truth. I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open". Danielle piped in. Trust Danielle to get detention with me.

The look on Miss Basil's face made me want to break the rule of 'no phones in class' and take a picture. It was just hilarious. By this time everyone had joined in the laughter.

She turned towards Danielle and said "Detention for you too, young lady "

Seriously this is not good. We haven't gotten to second period yet and we have detention already. I have to stay away from Jordan to keep my almost clean slate. Keyword 'almost '

The bell for lunch rang through during Calculus with Mr Alex Smith. Again.

I walked or rather half - ran to the cafeteria. The apple I had this morning is not qualified as a snack in my book.

After filling my tray, I head towards our table where Brooke ,Danielle and Lipton are already seated.

"Hi guys" I said plopping down to my seat and start eating.

Brooke and Danielle mumble some greetings and return to their conversation.

"I was thinking maybe we could use tomatoes, eggs and flour together. Trust me I made the mixture and it's totally disgusting ". Danielle says with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Yeah, that will definitely work"

I just shook my head already knowing what they are talking about.

"Oh my gosh, he is so hot". Brooke breathed with a dreamy smile. I turn my head to the place she is looking at and see a slightly confused Jordan with a tray in his hands. Knowing he had trouble looking for a table, I waved him over.

"Hi". He said once he gets to the table.

I nodded slightly considering the fact that the amount of food in my mouth would make me talk gibberish.

Some time later, when I looked up Brooke gives me a look and I sigh.

"Guys this is Jordan. "
"Jordan, this is Brooke my sister, Danielle, my best friend and Lipton her boyfriend "

This made Lucas scowl making me smile.
I find pleasure in his discomfort.
What! Don't judge me, Im evil.

Jordan takes Brooke's hand in his in a handshake. I swear it lingered a minute extra.

He did the same to Danielle and when he gets to Lucas he says"Lipton nice seeing you in person. I'm sorry for throwing you away yesterday but you smelled awful" scrunching his nose.

This made Lucas frown a little scratch that more like 'a lot'

I burst out laughing at what Jordan just said. I could really get used to having this guy around.

Brooke speaks up knowing that it will take just one second before Lucas goes all ballistic.

"Umm, Jordan do you mind joining us on Friday for some fun?"

I mentally facepalm myself.

Why would she invite him to our girls' night out?


Except she likes him.

Hmmmm well this could come in handy sometime ...

I could tease her or blackmail her with it.

What?! I told you before. I am EVIL.

Jordan arches a brow "Like a party? "

I shake my head "No just like fun on the streets,no party"

He nods "What type of fun? "

Danielle, Brooke and I share a knowing look and say "Until then"

"You guys don't want to take me to a corner and feast on me right? I am definitely not tasty"

The girls and I laugh our evil team laughter.

"Boohahaha "

It sounds creepy making the whole cafeteria silent and heads turn towards us.

Jordan looks so uncomfortable and Lucas tries keeping in his laughter but miserably fails.

Just then the lunch bell had to interrupt and we 'the girls' get up simultaneously.

"Good luck boy" .
We walk out laughing just as the rumors rolled in.

"They are witches"

"Brooke has been corrupted "

"They all look creepy now"

"Poor Jordan, stuck with witches"

I roll my eyes at this one. Sure Jordan is one hot piece of meat but he is just so hilarious he can't be more than a friend to me.


It's finally Friday and school is over. I walk towards my locker with Danielle, lightly singing Lorde's Royal

Gold teeth, Grey Goose, tripping in the bathroom
Blood stains, ballgowns, trashing the hotel room...

I abruptly stop singing when I see what is on my locker.
I look on till I finally register what is happening there.

"Jany... "Danielle starts when she sees me rooted to a spot and follows my line of sight.

She gasps.

I don't think twice, I storm towards my locker with a mixture of looks like agitation, anger, fury, anger, and so much more anger.

When I get to my locker I remember Moms warning, so I made a blank expression and stand in front of the locker, legs wide apart then I.....

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