Chapter 11

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Jin's POV

I kept re reading the text. Over. And over. And over again.

He doesn't like me I know. He just wants to have sex with me then leave.

I heard thunder strike and I huddled up into the couch.

That was until I heard a doorbell ring.

I quickly got up and answered it.


He smiled at me. "Hi". He said.

He had a bouquet of pink roses in on hand and a pink bear that said princess on it.

He was soaked.

"Oh my god come inside Namjoon I'll get you some of my dads clothes you have to be freezing". I said pulling him inside and running up stairs to my dad's room.

My parents weren't home because they were going on a "sex trip" as they would say.

Which is basically a trip where they do nothing but have sex and paint eachother naked. Starving artists these days am I right?

I quickly ran downstairs and handed the clothes to Namjoon.

"The bathroom is down the hall to the left". I said to him.

He smiled and padded his was to the bathroom and locking the door.

I started wiping up the puddles of water that he brought in.

I had finished when he finally came back.

"Uh where should I put my clothes"? He asked.

I grabbed them from him.

"Uh I'll go wash them if they stay wet they'll smell weird and get all moldy it's just ugh". I responded quickly running up stairs and putting his clothes in the wash.

I went back down stairs and saw him just standing there.

"Namjoon. Why'd you come here"? I asked.

He smiled at me and picked up the things he brought me.

"I got you these".

I smiled at him. "Namjoon you really didn't have to-" "but I wanted to apologize". He cut me off. He grabbed the stuff and put it on the table next to us.

He quickly came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his forehead against mine.

"You're so beautiful you know that"? He said to me smiling.

I blushed and looked down at the floor. He held my chin and forced me to look at him.

"God I like you so much". He murmured.

I blushed again. Then he did something that I'll remember for the rest of my life.

He put his lips on mine.

Butterflies. That's all I could feel filling my stomach.

I kissed him back. Our mouths fit so perfect together. This was exactly what I wanted. I just wanted him.

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