Chapter 24

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Namjoon's POV

"Joonie! Namjoon get up please". I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes to see Jin above me.

I smiled recalling the memories from last night.

"Hi Jin".

He smiled and pressed his lips to mine but quickly pulled away.

"You have to get dressed my parents are home". He said.

My eyes widened as he got off of me and I quickly got my clothes on.

Right when I was done I heard a knock at the door.

Jin looked at me and gave me an apologetic smile. He mouthed a sorry. "Come in".

A woman opened the door wearing nothing but a pink silky robe.

That can't be Jin's mom. She's way too young. Right? 

"Oh Jin who's this". She asked smiling warmly at me.

"Mom this is Namjoon my friend". Jin said.

Friend. Wow. Now I know how he felt when I did this in front of my friends.

I felt like shit. All I could think about was am I not good enough? Then it clicked. This motherfucker isn't even out to his parents.

"Oh Jin honey. You can tell me if you have a boyfriend. We've known you were gay for so long". His mom said rubbing Jin's shoulder.

Jin turned bright red and covered his face with his hands.

"We're gonna go eat now". He said tugging me to follow him.

I followed him downstairs and we saw there were pancakes sitting at the table.

He sat down and quickly started eating.

I just stood there kinda awkwardly.

He swallowed down the massive amount of food he just had in his mouth.

"Come sit and eat". He said smiling.

I sat down and started eating.

His mom and dad came in. I noticed he couldn't even look his parents in the eye. What happened? It couldn't be about the gay thing could it? His mom seemed totally fine with it.

His mom and dad started like hard core making out. Like right in front of us. He kept minding his business and ate. I couldn't help but steal glances. God they're more aggressive then me and Jin. Jin noticed how uncomfortable I was so he quickly tried to get them off of each other

"Are you guys going on another trip soon? You came home early". Jin said still stuffing his mouth.

I smiled at how cute he looked when he ate. He smiled back quickly.

"Yeah we are. Unfortunately your dad here decided it would be a good idea to take you with us".

Unfortunately. wow. Bitch.

Jin stopped eating and looked up at his parents.

"N-no I'm good honestly I don't want to go". He said quickly. Still not making eye contact.

"Well who is gonna watch you Jin? Lord knows what you do when you're home alone. I noticed a lot of my beer gone". His dad said as he started leaving love marks on his mom.


Me and Jin are both covered in hickeys. They definitely know now.

I looked at Jin's neck and saw the marks were gone. No way they can't be gone by now. I bit way too hard last night.

"Excuse me I have to use the bathroom". I said getting up.

I ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and looked at myself in the mirror. All my hickeys were gone.

What the hell?

I looked closer and noticed that my neck was a little bit lighter than the rest of my skin.

I got some water on my hands and wiped and area I knew he had given me a hickey.

There it was. He put makeup on my neck. Oh thank god.

Dumbass now they're gonna know you just uncovered it.

I quickly checked the drawers for any makeup that I could possible put over it.

I heard a knock at the door.

"I-I'm in here". I said.

"Joonie it's me open the door".

I quickly opened the door and he walked in shutting it and locking it.

"Thank you". I said.

He looked shocked for a second then responded.

"For what"?

"For putting makeup on my neck. And I know I'm a dumbass for getting it off I was just really confused".

He smiled at me. "Don't worry I'd assumed you would noticed when my mom and dad were ahem marking one another. I'm really sorry about them". He said getting quieter with ever sentence.

I gave him a quick kiss and he instantly smiled.

He brought out some makeup and quickly applied it to my neck before dragging me back to the kitchen so we could eat.

We both sat down and continued eating.

"So Jin did you and your boyfriend have sex last night"? His mom asked as if it was a normal question.

I choked on my food and tried to calm down with water.

"Mom that's a very inappropriate question". Jin responded patting my back.

"Well we're honest with our sex lives so I'd assume you would be too". His mom said. She actually kinda seemed upset.

His mom stormed out with his dad quickly following.

"I'm so sorry Namjoon. I really am. They are so terrible". He muttered.

"I-it's fine. It just caught me off guard". I croaked, my voice hoarse from all the coughing I just did.

"Why couldn't you even look at them"? I asked. I realize what I said and put a hand over my mouth, silently cursing at my idiotic question.

He quickly turned a bright red and looked down.

"You wanna know how I figured out they were home"?

"I caught them in.. Um.. The middle of doing some very inappropriate things". He whispered.

I couldn't help myself from laughing. I could tell he quickly got annoyed and I tried to stop laughing but I couldn't.

"You caught them having sex"? I whispered back still laughing.

"Ugh it was so gross Namjoon. Like it's one thing that they're my parents. That's not what grosses me out. They go on sex trips all the time I don't mind that they're my parents and they're doing that stuff. It's just like..."

"Just like what"?

He looked at me and turned a bright red yet again today.

"Straight sex disgusts me".

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