Chapter 30

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Namjoon's POV

I was so worried. Yeri was at Jin's house. Alone. With him.

Stop worrying Namjoon. Jin is very very gay.

I tried to calm my breathing as I payed for everything and made my way to my car. Then to Jin's house.

When I got there I walked in and put all the stuff on the counter.

Nobody was in sight. I walked to Jin's room and saw Jin crying in the corner.

I ran over to him and took him into my arms.

"Jin what's wrong? Are you okay? Hey I'm here calm down its okay. I'm here I promise". I said holding him as tight as I could.

"Y-Yeri c-came and brought p-pictures of y-you and h-her and y-you doing I-it. I'm s-sorry I'm c-crying. It just h-hurts". He managed to get out sobbing.

"She took pictures of it? What the hell? Jin hey I don't care about her that was so long ago I promise. I only like you. She doesn't mean shit to me I promise". I said rocking him calming home down.

He finally managed to stop crying and now he was just breathing heavily.

"She told me that you texted her that you miss her yesterday". He said after a long moment of just me whispering calming things to him.

"What? I didn't text her though"?

"She showed me screen shots".

"Jin hey look at me. I didn't text her. She could've easily changed one of her friends contact name and had them text her pretending it was me". I responded.

He looked at me with tear stained cheeks and a red face.

"Please don't leave me". He said tears building up in his eyes again.

"Jin where did this come from"?

He looked down and got up and left the room.

I followed behind him until we reached the living room.

He showed me a picture of me and Yeri kissing.

"She said this was last week" he muttered.

"Jin. That was from freshman year! When we were together"!

"You're hair color is the fucking same Namjoon! Pink! I'm the one who you dyed it pink for"! He yelled finally breaking.

"Jin I had pink freshman year at some time. My dad dared me to dye it! Stop believing things that aren't true! Are you that dense to think that I would try to be with you for so long and then just hurt you like that. Maybe I should just leave!" I lashed out.

"Get out".

"W-what"? I asked tears burning my eyes.

"You want to leave so bad. So get out". He responded. His face emotionless.

I walked towards the door before going back to him and kissing him.

He tried to pull away but I held on to him tighter.

He finally kissed back while cupping my face.

I pulled away and looked at him.

"Jin. I would never hurt you like that. I-".

I sighed before pulling away from him.

I looked down at my feet feeling very embarrassed for what I'm about to say.

"Jin I love you".

What if he only likes me? What if he doesn't feel the same way about me? What if he was just desperate and wanting somebody. Oh god he probably hates me now.

"I love you too".

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