Chapter 2

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PrinceRapMonster: Blocking me won't stop me from making more accounts and texting you ;)

PrincessJin: Omg leave me alone. Either way I'm a boy.

PrinceRapMonster: That doesn't matter to me. If you're a boy why is your name "PrincessJin"?

PrincessJin: Because I can be a princess and still be a boy you burnt piece of toast.

PrinceRapMonster: I just wanted to have a polite talk with you.

PrincessJin: You told me to call you daddy. That's not that polite.

PrinceRapMonster: Stop trying to act all innocent. I know you from school. Lots of rumors about you and that Jungkook kid ;)

PrincessJin: Jungkook is dating somebody else. Those rumors aren't and never will be true. I like somebody else anyways so bug off thanks.

PrinceRapMonster: Namjoon? Right?

PrincessJin: Namjoon? What? No. It doesn't matter. Even if I did like Namjoon he would never like me. So I'm gonna block you now.

PrinceRapMonster: WAIT! I'm friends with Namjoon! He would totally like you.

PrincessJin: Okay you were just telling me to call you daddy and now your trying to set me up with somebody? Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you. Namjoon would never like me and I don't like him.

PrinceRapMonster: Well there's a problem with your statement about him not liking you because I am in fact Namjoon and I do like you.

Butterfly (Namjin)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon