Chapter 3

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Y/N: Sup Canola

Camila: :(

Y/N: sorry babe auto correct ;)

Camila: Why are you calling me babe?

Y/N: I just call everyone babe :)

Camila: So it's not just me?

Y/N: Nope

Camila: Okay...

Y/N: So what's up babe?

Camila: Just sitting on the couch with my friends Hbu?

Y/N: Bout to watch some Netflix

Camila: Oh cool what are you going to watch?


Camila: What's that?

Y/N: Orange Is The New Black

Camila: Oh

Camila: My mom said I'm not allowed to watch that :(

Y/N: Oh my god

Y/N: You sure you're not 12

Camila: Yes Very sure

Y/N: Whatever you say babe

Camila: My friends are staring at me funny...

Y/N: Are your friends hot?

Camila: Why do you ask?

Y/N: just wanna know

Camila: Well they are pretty

Camila: Probably prettier then me :(

Y/N: Aw babe don't say that

Camila: But it's true

Y/N: No it's not just take my word on this okay?

Camila: but you haven't even seen me so how can you know :(

Y/N: Just trust me okay

Y/N: Or you can send me a pic

Camila: I'd rather not

Y/N: Are you self-conscious or something babe?

Camila: Very self-conscious

Camila: I don't like the way I look :(

Y/N: Well I still bet you're beautiful

Camila: Okay

Y/N: Atta girl babe

Y/N: Now how about some n00ds

Camila: What's a n00d?

Y/N: Oh my god...

Camila: What?

Y/N: You really don't know?

Camila: No...

Y/N: Okay a n00d is a naked picture

Camila: OH MY GOD slkjfksajfaj

Camila: NO I will not send you a naked picture >:(

Y/N: Why babe I said you're beautiful

Camila: I don't do that stuff

Y/N: So you're Not That Kinda Girl?

Camila: Yeah...

Camila: Gotta go rehearse BYE

Y/N: Rehearse?

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