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We finally got back from Missouri really late on Wednesday... But I forgot to call Cas yesterday. I feel like such a loser. I obsessed over him every minute that I was awake for the past few days, and I forgot to call him.

Its not like he was expecting me to call that day, I just feel like I disappointed myself. In more ways than one.

The reason I forgot to call him...

Its kinda gay...

Sam got me addicted to Glee.

I always thought that show was super gay, but its actually really good and I binged watched like 13 episodes and now I feel like crap.

Well, Sammy just went to bed, so before I go to sleep, I should probably call Cas.

But what if he isn't awake? It is like past midnight so... What if I wake him up? What if its actually some weird old grandma's number that someone put there as a prank?

No. He wouldn't do that to me. I know its his number because he is the only one with a blue sparkly pen.

Well, what are we even going to talk about? It would be so awkward. What if I started to sound really creepy? What if I accidentally told him that I like-like hi? What if he got weirded out that I am gay? Wait...


Im not actually gay, so thats not a problem. Might as well give this a shot.

Here it goes... Im getting out my phone... Im opening my yearbook... Im dialing the number...

Its too late to turn back now.

Nobody answered.


He's asleep.

He's probably really cute when he sleeps... Okay, I better go to bed before my mind goes any further.

Dean Winchester's Middle School Diary जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें