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So the first day was okay

I avoided Cas as much as possible, but he was looking for me the whole time. I told him not to worry.

There isn't anything to worry about anyway.

I miss him...

Anyway, the classes are okay. The teachers are okay. The lunch sucked. I made this friend named Benny. He doesn't seem necessarily nice, but I like him.

When I got home Sam started acting weird. I think he thinks Im sad about all of this. Im not... I don't know how I feel.

I don't know what to feel. Its all kind of numb. Bobby isn't telling me anything about John. Im not asking anyway. Sam seems fine, just worried about me maybe. He shouldn't have to do that.

I should talk to Cas... I don't know what I would say. What is there left to say? Nothing. I have nothing to say to anyone.

Today was okay too.

And I have nothing left to say.

Dean Winchester's Middle School Diary Where stories live. Discover now