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Well, time to review:

-Sherlock was a bust
-Donald Trump is president ew
-Im not doing well in school anymore
-Im not doing well with anything anymore
-Actually that last one isnt true because I have become even more of a god with Mario Kart than I already was
-No Cas
-Actually that one isn't true either because he has been trying to talk to me since I ended things but theres no way I could hear his voice again and not kill myself
-I had Sammy go through my phone and delete every single photo and video I had with Cas, which took a very long time
-I know that Sammy sent them all to his phone before he deleted them, I just dont know why or care
-Some of the nicer girls at school are trying to comfort me, which is sweet of them
-I attempted to make out with one of the girls but she didnt want to because she thinks Im gay
-Cas ruined everything about my life
-Im getting in trouble at school
-I got really into this band called Temples and honestly listening to them takes the pain away for a little bit
-Im not eating as much

Holy shit... Im a fucking looser. Im a fucking girl. Look what I let him do to me. Look how pathetic I am. Its time to end all of this shit.

Dean Winchester's Middle School Diary Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt