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I walked to his house after school

I saw him there

On his porch

Talking to Ben

I stayed far away

I was unnoticed

But I noticed them

It looked like they were having fun

They were laughing

And then

Then they kissed

I still dont know which one of them started it

I was too in shock to care

All that mattered was that it happened

I felt numb

In fact, I felt completely numb until the 9th

I was so numb that I didnt even realize that eight days had passed

I know I shouldnt be this upset

Its just a middle school relationship

It was never going to last forever

And thats why Im ending it

He saved me but he broke me

Its time to move on

There is so much time left in my life for happiness

And I will waste that time if I remain sad

He kissed him

Maybe they both kissed each other

Maybe is was perfect

Maybe there was a spark

But where there was a spark, there was also sudden darkness

A blinding darkness that used to be a burning flame

Now Im getting all poetic


But its just time to let go

He kissed him

He kissed him

He kissed him

Dean Winchester's Middle School Diary Where stories live. Discover now