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Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so happy early thanksgiving I guess. Adam and the rest of the family, except john of course, are coming over to Bobby's. Its going to be really nice.

Well anyway, sunday was amazing. Sunday was great. Sunday was awesome. I feel like I have used those adjectives too often... I should really expand my vocabulary. Cas has a big vocabulary. He is very sma- intelligent. He uses cool words like "aforementioned"

I dont even know what that actually means.

We got to the ice rink, we skated, we sung Halo by Beyonce and thought abou- reminisced in our past. I fell a lot but Cas has very good balance so he only fell once. I still cant understa- comprehend how he is so aweso- extraordinary.

I am pretty sure that guy from school thinks the same of Cas. I see him staring at us, but mostly him, all the time. And he has really nice hair. Its all styled and everything. I found out his name is Ben and he is that slut Lisa's older brother. Lisa is a grade below us. Cas hasn't said anything about him so three things could be happening. One, they like each other and they have been flirting and Cas is going to break up with me and they are going to date. Two, Cas being as pure and sweet as always, hasn't noticed. This brings its own problems because when he does notice he could start to like him and then I will be left brokenhearted. And three, Ben isn't into Cas and he is just very creepy.

But, back to the story. I kissed him on the cheek. In public. At a skating rink. And there were other people. I did it. I did it without him doing it first. And it was great. Im not even sure anyone noticed, but thats not the point. The point is that they could have noticed. And I did it anyway. Maybe Im getting to he brave like Cas is.

Then we went to my house, drank hot chocolate, and watched The Polar Express like I said we would. He knew all the words to the songs, and I wont lie, I knew some too. It was very fun. Especially the cuddling.

Dean Winchester's Middle School Diary Where stories live. Discover now