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Here you guys finally go
You better appreciate it
-Sam W.

Just... Wow.

Castiel is so perfect. In every way. There is no other perfectness in the world except for him. I don't understand it... But he is just perfectly awesome.

We went to the movie, and it was great. I mean, I think the special effects in 2009 were better than these, but it was still a great movie. Haha... They killed the evil dudes with music. I laugh every time I think about that.

Cas says that Kirk is apparently totally in love with Spock. And frankly, he is pretty much right. I never noticed it before, but jesus just make out already! Cas is so great at seeing stuff. He would be a great detective. My own personal Benedict Cucumberpatch... I mean Sherlock. Sherlock. Thats a good show too. Cas told me about it. He also says that John and Sherlock are in love, and I believe him.

When we got back from the movies, he showed me some of the scenes from the other two Star Trek reboot series movies that show how in love Spock and Kirk are with each other. I love how he looks when he gets all excited about things like that. His eyes just light up. Its so cool. Then, we left my room to keep up appearances that we are just friends. We played some video games with Sammy. We even went outside to the small amount of woods that are close to my house and played hide & seek in the dark! It was great. Cas said it was just like we were kids back in the 60s and 70s. According to him, they went outside a lot.

Then we went back inside and had some snacks, then back to my room. It was around 11pm by then, so we just sat around and talked some more. I really love his voice. And his hair. And his eyes. And his smile.

When he started to get sleepy (I love that the most) (definitely) (it was the cutest thing I had ever witnessed) I pulled out my old sleeping bag. I told him that he could take the bed, but he was being really polite and wanted the sleeping bag.

I slept for an hour or maybe longer until I felt someone tapping my shoulder slightly. Then I heard Cas go

"Where are more blankets?"

So I turned around and looked up at him and asked if he was cold. He nodded and rubbed his eye like the most adorable little puppy ever. I have no clue what time it was, but I know it was probably past 2 am since thats when I make crazy decisions like this.

I told him to just get in the bed. With me. For... Warmth. Yeah.

It was so great Im actually smiling so much right now just thinking about it. We fell right to sleep, but we cuddled for the rest of the night. I swear that was the happiest I have ever felt. Until about 8 am when Sam opened my door without knocking and was all like


So we went down and had breakfast and then Cas had to leave. My dad was back at the kitchen busy with the... Whatever he was doing when Cas' brother showed up in that car. I kissed him on the cheek and he hugged me. And he left.

I wasn't actually sad that he left since I was just flooded with all of the happiness... Im still so SO happy. I feel like the sun. I feel like I can just be happy for the rest of my life.

Well, now I better go talk to sammy about the... Whole thing. Hopefully that won't be awkward.

I know that I shouldn't talk to dad about mom... But I really want to ask him what love feels like. I know he must have felt it at one point...

I need to know.

*sings* wHAT IS LoooVE

-obviously Sam W.

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