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I wanted to ask Cas about Ben... but that hurt too much. Instead we watched Elf and made out. I kinda regret not paying attention to Elf tho... that movie is like the bible.

Also, I have been sick since Friday. Which means I was completely quarantined from Cas for five days. But, on Saturday, he climbed in my window and played cards with me. I hope he didnt get sick. Saturday was when I was the worst, too. He is such a great boyfriend.

Maybe thats why ben wants him.

Well anyway, my fever broke today, which sadly means I have to join the living tomorrow. At school. I hate school so much, but doesnt everyone? Im not special.

Maybe Ben is special.

I need to stop. Really.

I dont know what else to write about even

I havent been thinking about much

Oh I know! Sammy.

Whats even happening with sammy? I dont even know...

Maybe I should talk to him.

Maybe I should talk to Cas

Maybe I should go to sleep again

Yeah, that sounds good.

Dean Winchester's Middle School Diary Where stories live. Discover now