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Its been fun with Adam. We started watching Mr. Robot. It is super good. I think Tyrell and Elliot are gay for each other. Well, Tyrell is bi. Like me. Ha. I should tell Cas. He would be impressed.

You know what else I should have told Cas? That I loved him too. I should have said it back instead of smiling and saying "okie dokie"

Who even says okie dokie??

I know that I have thought about it before... but now that its real... everything is just...

I have no clue what to do.

Im so young, I can't be in love. Thats stupid. Thats crazy. Im crazy.

I sounds like Elliot and I don't even care.

Its all too real now...

What am I going to do?

Wowza!! thanks for all the reads. Seriously. 4k is a lot. Like a crap load. Excuse my foul language. So how do y'all feel about Dan and Phill posting the TATINOF movie?!?! Im gonna get the free trail to watch it soon. Oh and also, hey Gaybe ;) waddup boi?? ;);)

Oh and one last thing, Dean is pathetic, isn't he? Lolz.

-Sam W.

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